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Stability & Updates!






I'm happy to say that after a rocky first few days, our game server is now stable. If you were facing connection issues before, you should be able to log in game now. If you experience crashes after loading the game, this may be due to your mods or other issues we haven't properly diagnosed yet that affect a very small % of the playerbase. For the majority however, you're good to go in-game! If you're unsure how to, check out our How To Play step by step tutorial.


Our main focus this past week has been stability and hotfixes. We'll be closing the suggestion board down sometime during the weekend to go over what's been posted so far and sort the suggestions between what's already been done, what we'll do and what we won't do. Join our Sunday's community meeting where we'll be more concrete about what the next feature priorities are, and how you can help decide the next steps.


Here's some of the changelogs of recent server updates:

- Added spawning at last location within 30 minutes of logout
- Added /attributes, /examine
- Added /phone, /ph to toggle phone
- Added /phonenumber, /pn to view your phone number
- Added /trunk support for a bunch of vehicles which have two doors in the back
- Fix vehicle fuel not decreasing properly
- Added vehicle /limiter
- Added blacking out chatbox (/blackbehindchat, /bbc)
- Added /togmap to toggle map radar
- Last cycle of F7 now hides map radar and nametags
- Fixed fuel not saving on /v park, /apark sometimes
- Fix pagesize/chatsize sometimes setting to 1 line
- Reworked vehicle access code to address crashes
- Temporarily removed inventory limits
- Fixed command delay
- Fixed game crash related to MapTypesStore limits
- /leavecompany /leavejob timer lowered to 30 minutes, 3 minutes for premium


You can find changelogs on Discord's #changelog.


See you ingame!

  • CJ 2
  • Clap 2
  • Thumbs 8
  • OK 1
  • Strong 1
  • Love 11


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