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Chester Campbell

Junior Tester
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Everything posted by Chester Campbell

  1. You sub to one e-girl's particular paid profile on a particular website How do I become rich?
  2. If it's RAGE, you wait for RAGE to crash about five times until finally loading in, then continue normally. How do I kill time until LSRP V release?
  3. Maybach me shofer ((Maybach with a chauffer)) Where did you get that jacket?
  4. Eat meat and skinny as hell cause meat is life. Would you rather be a fish or a bird?
  5. Back in 2014/2015, in some light roleplay server on SAMP where I used to play, I wanted to create a new character with a different background and setting. I was looking up some famous hitmen and Chester Campbell was one of them. There was no rule to prevent the name being used so I went with it. Chester Campbell wasn't even that famous anyway. Then Peaky Blinders comes out all strong and one of the main characters is Inspector Chester Campbell, making it impossible for me to use the said name on LSRP. A lot of people got to know me with that name though so now it remains as my nickname.
  6. You don't. How do I breathe underwater?
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