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Posts posted by ROZE

  1. Will there be support prior to the server opening to ensure businesses have what they need on day 1 to support a successful launch?


    Asking as I would like to relaunch my business on day 1 to support the launch, I've had a lot of old faction members ask for things to return, but I would need a little bit of support to make this happen properly 

  2. 1 hour ago, 30PiecesOfSilver said:

    Thanks for listening to feedback Roze. Just if I was you I would do a poll before doing changes. It would be a good way to "feel the pulse" of the community. 

    No problem, and I agree, we'll do this in the future if making any changes

    • Clap 1
  3. Hello wonderful LSRP community


    Recently I was tasked with updating the rent of certain properties in Los Santos, the aim of this was to increase the prices of clearly expensive properties like mansions and houses on Vinewood hills, and also to open up the apartment complexes


    Here's what has been changed:

    About 1,000 new apartments are now available throughout complexes in Los Santos. Prices for these range from $150 - $300


    Prices of Vinewood Hills and Rockford mansion properties have had their rent increased between $2000 - $3000. The most common price is $2200, with huge properties like the playboy mansion being $3000. I understand that some people won't be happy with this change, however realistically these properties should cost more than anything else. We spoke to players with a lot of wealth and the rent change on these properties is fine with them - These are the types of people we are targeting to live in these properties


    We also experimented with increasing rent prices in Mirror Park, however this was reverted


    With the addition of these new apartments, I'd like to remind you that some nice new interiors were added which you can change to, you can find these here:



    Regarding actual property sales; There has been some internal discussions regarding this within the economy team, and developers are still interested in making this happen - Just to give you some validity that this is still planned to happen


    Finally, if you have a property that has been affected by the rent change and you feel that it is incorrect, please reach out to me with your property ID/address, and I will have a look into it


    Many thanks,


    • Thumbs 1
  4. All properties in mirror park have now been reverted to their original prices


    This means that the only properties that have had an increase in price is mansion style houses and houses on the hills, I think everyone can agree that $1,000 is too little considering many other houses are the same price


    There are also now many options for cheap properties with the opening of all the complexes


    @Fiendfyre if anyone has a problem with this they're welcome to PM me and we can figure it out

  5. I mentioned to you today that mirror park is being lowered, I'm not sure why you're using this as an example when you know it's not the final price


    Richman and Rockford hills are being increased because 1k rent a week is extremely low considering that there's much smaller houses for the same price


    The average price for a place in the hills is 2.2k now, with larger properties being a little more


    Everywhere else has remained the same price, some properties were lowered in price and we just added the ability to access about 100 new apartments


    Please let me know if you feel rent is incorrect in other places besides mirror park, because like I said it's being lowered


  6. 13 minutes ago, SCANDALOUZ said:

    A good way to make consequences be properly roleplayed and for players to think twice being doing stupid shit is actually implementing meaningful consequences.

    I completely agree that there should be more punishments for dying, personally I'd like to see a financial burden on PK other than just losing items


    It would also be nice if admins got an alert if someone has died many times in a short period so we can monitor their rp

  7. 11 minutes ago, Tungsten said:


    What do you think the punishment should be? IC or OOC?


    In my view, a character kill is a fair punishment that keeps the whole thing IC and duly values the time dedicated by cops and Judges. OOC punishments like admin jails do little to teach anything to a sub-par roleplayer - more often they just escalate into bans where the only way to get unbanned is to grovel and beg.

    CKs won't be enforced and never will be


    We only do it in extremely specific circumstances

  8. I think the implementation of an official consequences rule that details how consequences must be roleplayed would help increase player awareness, improve admin intervention and make players think twice, so they don't break any rules 


    We won't be forcing any CKs, we agreed this internally as we don't want to create situations where people are forced to pay for things


    Regarding the comment above me, $5 doesn't have the same value everywhere in the world

    • Love 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, SCANDALOUZ said:

    I don't know why asking people to not die more than three times in the same weeek in if they want to keep their characters alive is considered such an impossible concept and grand feat. So this is a Cops & Robbers server?


    Not what I'm saying at all, I actually like the idea but I think a lot of people would be against it, I'm trying to brainstorm by giving other thoughts


    Maybe this could be optional for the player to enable, but we could also have admins enable it forcefully for a player if they're constantly dying for supbar reasons, to make them fix their act


    Player deaths are really easy for us to track and notice when it's excessive 


    • Thumbs 1
  10. I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it since people that play 10hrs a day would inevitably be more likely to be CK'd over someone who only plays 2


    Losing money on death is a good idea though and I'll bring it up in the next lead meeting as a way of removing cash from the server, good idea here


    I think an optional hardcore mode could be cool that uses a system like or similar to this where dying could be a CK, I remember seeing Martin have some interest in it

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