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Everything posted by .taco

  1. I always tried to stop for these kinds of things. People doing something different, but something that would actually be prevalent in the area. Maybe with GTA V having hotdog/fruit stands throughout the map it'll happen more frequently.
  2. .taco


    At least used the one where I tried to kill Jahern and Carbon
  3. If the link further up doesn't work, try this.
  4. Being banned from spray paint because I advertised my Taco's Tacos in gang areas this
  5. Started on LS-RP in 2012/2013. Almost 10 years, jesus.
  6. Oh thank god, I wasn't 100% it was the right Brasi. Yeah boi looking to get back into this whole RP thing. Why not on my first server from 10 years ago
  7. doing good, just figure I get this whole thing set up
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