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Everything posted by Spades

  1. Yeah you’re buff ig How long is a year
  2. Spades


    ATLA & LOK - Goated series
  3. Think I first entered LSRP in 2011. Prior to that, spent a lot of time on NGG / PRRP. Crazy times. Gaming experiences on SAMP is unmatched, to this day.
  4. The settings How do i play LSRP
  5. Spades


    I’d be down for this!! Looks like a fun game to fuck around on! 😂😂
  6. Ayyy-yoo, what?? Is this fact? 😂😂
  7. This is also true. many many ways to smoke. I could use a fucking Apple if I wanted to (and have lmao) maybe it would be best to not make it such a chore. with that said, it couldn’t stop at just weed; you’d have to do the same for every other drug being introduced in the script. So yeah, i redact my earlier post.
  8. More paraphernalia would be an interesting concept. Requires a little more effort than just RPing you have it, but that’s okay. You also run the risk of getting pulled over or stopped with the paraphernalia, and cops seeking probable cause to search your vehicle. could be interesting I suppose
  9. I thought I knew what I wanted, but everything sounds fun in its own way! I’m definitely conflicted. Time will tell 😁
  10. Not entirely sure how this faction is going to work / be portrayed - but I’m excited nonetheless to see. Hopefully leadership can push it in the right direction
  11. 0/10 Joke: What’s the best thing about Switzerland? idk but the flag is a big plus!
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