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  1. Anti-Corruption Group Journalist Help-card (Disclaimer: This is NOT LEGAL ADVICE) Q: Does one need permission to legally film? A: Not in public, public-access areas, or anywhere else the journalist is legally allowed to be. Q: Does filming strangers, law-enforcement officers and/or their possessions without their permission give law-enforcement authority to forcefully legally detain the journalist? A: No. The first amendment constitutionally-protected right of Freedom of Expression forbids the government from making any laws, which limit free civil expression in any way, unless necessary for imminent safety. Q: A law-enforcement officer is asking for my reason to film. What do I say? A: Legally, the best thing to do is to say nothing. The fifth amendment right is your right to not testify. It’s unfortunately not always enough to just stay silent, one has to express their intent to exercise their fifth amendment constitutional right. For those times, say this: “I am pleading the fifth,” or “I am exercising my fifth amendment right to remain silent.” Police can and will use anything you say against you. Even if they misheard it. It’s advised to either say nothing, or make a brief statement. For example: “I’m a journalist.” Q: A police officer has illegally detained me and seized my camera. Now what? A: Now that police officer is subject to have their qualified immunity stripped from them in the court of law, for violating your first and fourth ammendment rights. It’s up to you if you want to let them know how royally screwed their career is now or later in a courtroom. For your safety, it’s advised to just remain silent and focus on identifying the falsely-arresting officer. Identifying an officer is made slightly easier, thanks to their worn nametags featuring their first initial and last name. Furthermore, their badge has a number on it - it’s a unique identifier, make sure you get that on film at first encounter with an officer, when possible. Otherwise, request it verbally. ”Officer, I’m requesting your badge number.” Polite-ish, but still blunt. After the ordeal, file a civil lawsuit for violating your constitutional rights and make sure to push to strip the violator of the qualified immunity, so that they are personally financially liable for any and all damages for your false arrest and constitutional rights violations. Q: I’m on public property, merely filming, and someone is threatening my imminent safety. What should I do? A: When anyone faces a real imminent threat of unjustified violence, they have the right to respond proportionally. Given that the threat is imminent, it is not an appropriate time to call the police - as that will only worsen the circumstances while likely not being effective. If you want to call emergency services, make sure you create distance from the threat to the point that it’s no longer imminent. Then, you can reach out for emergency services when it’s safe to do so. If you have a weapon, you are only justified to use it if you match the level of threat presented by your attacker. For example: you may shoot someone attacking you or others with a blade close range, but you may not be justified to shoot an unarmed fighting teenager (though you may still be justified to brandish the weapon, given there’s a real imminent threat to safety). In San Andreas, gun legislstion is one of the strictest and most expensive in the whole country. You need a License to Purchase a Firearm (PF) and a seperate License to Carry a Concealed Weapon (CCW) if you intend on carrying a firearm in compliance with state law. They have to be renewed every 3 months, which costs $500 at the time each time.
  2. Journalists, Listen: Paying for Footage of Corruption Are you a professional journalist, apart of a mega-corporation, independent, or anywhere in-between? Are you a victim of government corruption, unable to recover damages? Whatever your motivations are, Anti-Corruption Group have put up a bounty for footage of law enforcement officers breaking laws. A journalist is, by the technical definition, one who journalizes on-going events. Preferably without interfering in them, when possible. However, as the scientific law of observation goes: one cannot observe a closed system, without somehow interfering with it. When you engage in public photography, when you openly record law enforcement officers, you bet your safety and freedom on the hope, that this law enforcement officer isn't going to abuse their power to be malicious to you. It's important to recognize the risks you take, when engaging in exercising your first amendment right. Requirements for compensation: The participant must be at least 18 years old. The participant must not actively engage in, or be involved in any criminal activity, while creating the submitted content. The content must be unedited and untampered. The content must in totality, beyond any reasonable doubt, indicate that a law-enforcement officer intentionally or in beyond than reasonable neglect violated any currently active local state penal code laws. The content must be e-mailed here: Click me, I'm a link! Compensation: $1,000 per felony, $500 per misdemeanor, $100 per petty traffic offense (without siren lights)
  3. Chapter 0. Mission Statement Anti-Corruption Group (ACG) is a private non-profit media organization, with a general goal of exposing government corruption through journalism and educating the public about their constitutional rights. Chapter 1. History Michelle Jefferson first started Anti-Corruption Group in Red County in 2019, because her earlier efforts to peacefully protest and raise awareness about what she perceived to be government corruption were met with resistance not only from the public, but unconstitutionally from the government as well. At that point, Michelle realized that some government employees are driven by emotion to violate their oath to uphold the constitution, and abuse their authority in personal self-interest. With the resources allocated to police officers, it's almost impossible to fight government corruption head-on alone. A peaceful solution has to be searched for first, before resorting to any unnecessary violence. The courts aren't perfect, lawyers are expensive and the proceedings take forever - but with persistence, there is a promise of a resolution and financial compensation for any and all grievances. However, Michelle would personally give all of that up for one final resolution that is promised - equal, blind justice among everyone, regardless of if they work for the government or are friends with the government or neither. Michelle decided she'd ask the general public to assist her, by exposing them to the truth behind government corruption and how far some are willing to go to try to cover it up. How many resources it actually takes to uncover it. Under the brand of Anti-Corruption Group, Michelle collected money with promise to use it to investigate and fight government corruption. Chapter 2. Accountability The Anti-Corruption Group, being a non-profit organization, cannot as flexibly allocate its resources as a for-profit organization could, because of the necessity to account for the spending of people's contribution money. While salaries are in-fact paid in a non-profit organization, they're expected to be "reasonable," given the promises made for the money. Any time Anti-Corruption Group loses any money, they make a public report and try to find the culprit and hold them accountable out of principle alone. Besides, it may be economically justified as well - as a future deterrent to any other would-be scammers or thieves, that sometimes cause innocent people to lose their legally acquired wealth. Chapter 3. Authority While Anti-Corruption Group members are most commonly not law enforcement officers, the law has to account for imminent safety of everyone. According to the declaration of human rights, every individual has the right to feel imminently safe, and every individual has the right to protect said safety - as long as it wasn't the same said individual whom compromised it to begin with. If an Anti-Corruption Group member, or anyone else for that matter, witnesses any individual using unjustified imminent violence, or even just threats of real imminent violence, against an innocent person - at that point, this agent is legally authorized to use proportional non-consensual violence, relative to the one posed by the initiator of violence. This counter-violence is legally justified by necessity for imminent safety, according to human rights. In simple terms: everyone has the legal right to enforce physical imminent safety, unless they unjustifiably compromise it to begin with. In terms of bureaucracy and long-term consequences, it's more common to communicate with the higher government authority, the court, to hold lower-authority government accountable. However, imminently - physical authority trumps legal authority, and the law has to account for that to preserve the right of imminent safety of everyone. Chapter 4. Rights The Anti-Corruption Group, just like any other media outlet, or any other individual person standing on United States soil, fully reserve their constitutional rights. 1st Amendment: "Congress shall make no law [...] abridging the freedom of speech," Anyone in US has a right to civilly express grievances to the government. The government is not legally allowed to forbid civil expression of grief. 2nd Amendment: "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." As long as it's not used for crime, anyone has the right to carry a firearm for necessary self-defense and defense of others. 4th Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure [...] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated," The government needs objective reasonable suspicion of a crime to detain an individual against their will. 5th Amendment: "No person shall be [...] compelled to be a witness against (themselves);" The government has no legal authority to force anyone to testify in a criminal case. The Anti-Corruption Group intends to inform the public of their rights and garner their interest by exposing government corruption through journalism, to help fight it. Chapter 5. Structure The Anti-Corruption Group relies on the communal resources, which as aforementioned must always be accounted for. The structure of the organization allows for an economically-friendly way to maintain operation, with the ability to downscale if necessary. Management Director manage the staff. Accountant manage finances within the organization. Recruiter recruit new members. Staff & Volunteers Journalist record ongoing events. Auditor compare ongoing events with law. Protester speak grief to government (or occasionally another entity).
  4. I receded my statement, because the prices were changed back. Long live LSRP.
  5. That's only more reason to keep guns accessible to law abiding citizens... When will they learn, you can't fight gun violence with gun control... violent gunners don't obey rules to begin with!
  6. I recede my previous statement following the price reduction. Now the gun prices for licensed citizens are reasonable. Much respect to LSRP.
  7. I give you my word - if pets become a donator-only feature, I will protest by having a human pet.
  8. If I could take one thing out of LS-RP SAMP era, moving into Rage MP: a competent, hardcore, roleplay server NEEDS something resembling a justice system. It is IMPOSSIBLE to roleplay a legal character, and build up reputation, when one corrupt cop can just throw a false charge on you - and if there isn't a justice system, there's nothing you can do about it. It's unrealistic, and it disinterests people from making legal characters - if given enough time eventually a corrupt cop will just false-charge you anyway. Edit. To answer your question on what I wish from PD - please, make it a standard to collect evidence that would convict one beyond a reasonable doubt, like US cops are trained to. There's many exciting ways to do this, not of course forgetting interrogating suspects for a confession, or making potential plea offers.
  9. Hi, I'm back, I'm excited to be apart of LS-RP again. Between 2014 to 2021, I was making videos mostly on LS-RP. I always found it to be the best server to express your own, personally-crafted, but at the same time challenging and dynamic, story. I have little doubt that LSRP V will be even greater than LSRP was. My YouTube channel PS. Some of you may've heard I was involved in some drama with another Rage MP server. So just to be clear: I'm not banned on any roleplay servers, but my character did get force-killed, despite me having appealed and proven to not have broken any rules. Ever since then, especially after LS-RP SAMP server shut down, I wasn't able to find a hardcore roleplay server that suits my needs AND doesn't judgementally kill characters over OOC opinion. I hope my search is over.
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