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  1. Past hour
  2. The first version is for a prison. Demetrius Harrlen
  3. Demetrius Harrlen v2 old work character
  4. Thank you all for the support!
  5. Eastside Hustler Crip Old Work
  6. Today
  7. I tried to make a niggers prison, but I ended up having a technical problem with my arm. The skin is a little buggy but in some moments it is playable. https://www.upload.ee/files/16584478/skin.rar.html Credits: me and Rockstar Games
  8. Compton Varrio 155 Еlias "Snape" Alvarado (Death)
  9. Archives of my (and not only) works. I hope for your support, men and women. Carver Park Compton Crips
  10. To play this game you will utilize https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator to make the most wild AI as you add on to the prompt. Here is the starting prompt "An army of cats" and when it is your turn you add on three more words. EXAMPLE: Person1 "An Army of Cats" Image(Imgur) Person2 "An army of cats eating a ham" Image(Imgur) etc etc etc ACTUAL START OF GAME: "An Army of Cats"
  11. Give me a faction. :3
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