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Everything posted by jmp

  1. Go look at GTA:W and how they implemented permanent corpses but left detectives out to dry with no way to actually solve the crime. Why? Because you have players abusing the shell casings script by spamming Y over all the casings which is basically the detectives only way of retrieving evidence with nothing else to go off of. That's the biggest takeaway here. Then there's also have LEOs over there complaining that there's no real incentive to even RP securing scenes because 9 times out of 10 the crime goes unsolved anyway due to the lack of resources and script support for detectives. This is the better approach because everything could be handled IC but it relies on the devs to give detectives the tools they need to solve the crime in the first place. You're effectively introducing risk for players committing the crime. If they get caught then their character simply goes away for a long time. No imposed OOC CK is necessary.
  2. There's a better alternative which makes more sense but it requires a few things: 1. Court system This requires active judges, lawyers and prosecutors. Section on the forum for court related purposes + a court house mapped ingame. 2. Script that actually supports investigative roleplay and allows detectives to actually try and solve crime cases. Handprints that are stored and saved when LEOs bring in arrests. If weapon serials can be stored then why not handprints? Shell casings when a gun is fired. ( for balance purposes - casings should not be allowed to be picked up by anyone other than LEOs ) A command such as /examinecorpse which functions similarly as to how /examine does on GTA:W except this applies to information about a corpse. ( information similar to /damages should show up here when the command is used to determine the cause of death. Other information as well regarding to time of death and if we wanted to get even more complex then somehow even manner of death? Was the victim shot in the back of the head? Side of the head? Front of the head? Shot from behind? Shot front? ) More needs to be done but this is a start. 3. Both a JAIL and a PRISON JAIL: Jails should be used for those who are charged with crime that results in less than a few days or those who are waiting for trial. PRISON: This should be used for players who are found guilty and sentenced to life or sentenced for a longer period greater than X amount of days. So now lets assume that a detective has linked a homicide to a player. That player can now either choose to plead not guilty and attempt to beat their charges. Plead guilty and now their character faces life in prison. Now they can either NC or make an entirely new character. Will it DECREASE crime? Maybe and maybe not. What it's guaranteed to achieve is actually making it a possibility to catch the person that did it. Everybody wins. The lawyers, the prosecutors, the judges, the LEOs, the detectives, the coroners. There's real incentive to all of it. It's full circle.
  3. Yeah you're right. Roleplay quality. I think it's also important to give the admins a sense of importance too, ya know? They should be allowed to dictate who gets to do what. Administrating on a RP server is a job they do for free after all. As if it's not glaringly obvious that every person who submits an app is basically just typing paragraphs of nothing anyway. Then after bullshitting the application, those same suppliers are basically abusing it by only supplying people they know on an OOC level, their faction members and themselves. And once they're bored of the server they can RWT the guns. Once enough faction leaders have their foot in the schemes, you get to wait until it opens back up. Have fun in the meantime tho. This all encourages roleplay quality.
  4. The red tape you talk about, that's basically necessary to make it as annoying as humanly possible for people. It's a requirement that you justify to the admin on why you deserve to have fun on the server. Why you?
  5. lol tf are you intentionally being dense or something? all I'm saying is they could get more creative by figuring out alternative solutions to make things accessible, while still keeping balance in the server and without admins being able to dictate who's accepted and who's not. not to mention people having to wait for those same schemes to open and be available in the first place. do something different from the server they're clearly in competition with. One of their biggest features is INACCESSIBLE to the majority of the players.
  6. lol.. the real head scratcher is why you're so slow. the purpose of that post isn't about being entitled or the difficulty of obtaining a gun. They felt a need to post an entire thread explaining to people that schemes are a thing, okay cool. but then they're locked behind applications and justifications and more applications. Anything remotely interesting to do in these types of servers involves this. So when they advertise about "An open world with ANYTHING to do" the average player is going to be led to believe this and think "hey cool" until they're met with the sad reality of how much red tape there is.
  7. yeah just say you're a supplier and move on buddy, you're missing the entire point of the post.
  8. yeah everybody in the US knows how to get a gun buddy. are u a weapon supplier by any chance? I guess if I were a weapon supplier I'd think it's dumb too, that way I can gatekeep the guns for myself and the people I know personally.
  9. right so schemes like any other server which face the same issue; they require you to submit an entire research paper, will probably end up taking months to be reviewed and are more often than not always closed anyway - just like they are now. how innovative. Guns in the US are easily accessible and so is the dark web, why restrict such a nice feature from the mass player base by limiting it to a select few? All that does is incite favoritism and draw players away. The goal should be accessibility from inside the server, not giving admins more power and the privilege to determine who gets to have fun on the server and who doesn't. If anything make the dark net feature accessible by anyone ( within a certain level ) but limit the guns you can get for balance. Rifles no, but pistols with switches?
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