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Everything posted by samarium

  1. I have a couple questions about the conditions of my scheme. Are there any limitations for how many I can steal daily? Can I steal from unlocked faction vehicles, since it's hard to come by player-owned vehicles, these days? @almightybounter
  2. I'm thinking of a range of 400-800 dollars per airbag unit, based on the value of the vehicle itself, to keep things "proportional". Does that sound good to you?
  3. Sono fiducioso, in fin dei conti concorrenza non ce n'è, qualitativamente parlando. Sistemi, eventi, non importa come, ma bisogna rinvigorire il roleplay delle fazioni in questo momento, farsi il giro dei bar e locali la sera sta iniziando a stufare e non offre molto character development, ultimamente il server offre solo quello. Mentre scrivo questo messaggio è trascorsa già una settimana senza risposta al mio schema, evidentemente c'è qualche problema anche con lo staff, bisognerebbe fare pulizia inattivi/incompetenti.
  4. Why does the staff neglect scheme requests and respond after a week, when they're clearly active in the forums/Discord? I second Giovanni Sgroi's opinion, the economy is still a huge deterrent, especially for new players, the ones who don't complain are civilian characters who stand idly inside a bar. Let's face it, you need disposable income in order to also create roleplay, curb your "realistic economy" rhetoric.
  5. Un po' contraddittorio come messaggio, ma almeno ha ammesso che la situazione attuale non è rosea, sicuramente un passo verso la retta via. Speriamo sia quel che serva per risollevare l'utenza, ci è arrivato tardi ma ci è arrivato. Forse avrebbe dovuto esprimersi in merito all'economia del server, a mio parere ancora stringente. Ci vogliono sistemi che incentivino le fazioni a creare roleplay, ad esempio rendendo utili le droghe, eccetera, e soprattutto che gli staffer interessati si diano una mossa ad approvare gli schemi, come vi ho già detto, fa rabbia vederli attivissimi sul Discord del server, ma negligenti riguardo i loro compiti.
  6. In Game Name: Francis Romanazzi Faction Name: Bellomo Crime Family Faction Thread Link: What type of organization is your faction? Organised crime Provide a list of participating faction members: Francis Romanazzi Dylan Ottaviani Describe your scenario and your plan: After the market economy crisis of the late 2010s, supply chains had to reduce the production of spare parts, consequently inflating the prices. As a response, the black market has been thriving like never before, reselling stolen parts at competitive prices. Airbag thefts, in particular, have been skyrocketing all over San Andreas. Francis and Dylan, going through a period of unfavourable financial circumstances at their workshop, saw the opportunity to make extra money through this method, due to its straightforwardness. Ideally late at night, in the outskirts of the city, they'd spot unattended vehicles, make their way inside the cars and remove the whole airbag unit in a matter of a few tools. The airbags would later be sold on various e-commerce websites, using phony accounts and untraceable payment methods, or fitted in cars that have been into an accident, claiming the parts as new to insurance companies, aware of the fraud. Are you requesting money or items? Money @Mitcholodolo @DDaniels @almightybounte
  7. Una moltitudine di fattori, principalmente l'economia e tante piccole feature QoL mancanti, che sommate possono far storcere il naso a molti. Questo gioco ha un sacco di potenzialità a livello di script, ma come feature sembra di stare su SAMP. Mettici anche uno staff lentino, sia a livello di update che come approccio con l'utenza (ti dicono di creare roleplay per guadagnare soldi in questa economia, poi mandi richiesta schema e ci mettono una settimana per risponderti), e il danno è fatto. Parecchi utenti dell'altro server desistono dal trasferirsi qui per una questione di asset, ma il problema principale, ultimamente, è causato da Rage stesso, e non è l'unico server afflitto da problemi di connessione. Io penso che questo server di potenzialità ne abbia, ma bisognerebbe agire tempestivamente per risolvere suddette cose.
  8. That system is more suitable for street-level gangs looking for a quick cash grab, and overall, the way it's designed, it wouldn't suit the development of our characters. We were thinking of something more intricate and profitable, which would be appropriate for a faction like ours, while also providing IC scenarios to other users involved, as opposed to relying on a script. We have the facilities and the expertise to portray it.
  9. In Game Name: Francis Romanazzi Faction Name: Bellomo Crime Family Faction Thread Link: What type of organization is your faction? Organised crime Provide a list of participating faction members (put the person that is organising it first): Francis Romanazzi Dylan Ottaviani Describe your scenario and your plan: The scheme is about illicit trafficking of car parts. We'll roleplay a dark web site which will function as a database and/or resell the parts in our own workshop, disguising them with other legit parts. We'll steal the cars IG via /hotwire (either one of us or pay an external individual to do it for us), or use the flatbed when possible, in areas/scenarios where realistically there would be little risk to use such a noticeable vehicle; alternatively, we'll simply take some parts on the spot, like catalytic converters and/or rims, for example. Whenever we'll take whole cars, we'll roleplay to remove the GPS transmitter, locating it with an RF signal detector, freely available on any e-commerce website or physical shops dedicated to electronics/radio devices. The cars will be brought to our workshop in Los Santos, Carcer Way, after which they'll be deprived of any valuable part, and later chopped and disposed of. If there are no scrap companies available ICly willing to cut a deal with us (I was looking for an actual company IG which would help us dismantle the car frames), we'll dispose of the scrapped cars in deserted areas of the map. The whole disassembly/scrapping job will be roleplayed as thoroughly as we possibly can. On demand parts will be shipped to NPCs with phony accounts, and money transactions will be conducted through untraceable currencies. The scheme will be pretty much a passive one, except for the /hotwire part, to give it a sense of challenge, since the actual cars will still be available to the players, legit OOC owners of the vehicles, we'll only be looking for specific parts, not whole cars. Are you requesting money or items? (and if it's items, please state what items you would want to acquire) Money @Mitcholodolo @DDaniels @almightybounter
  10. samarium


    Oh that makes sense, but I feel like zoomers tend to exaggerate its image due to the video game influence and coverage it was subjected to, over the last years. If we make a realistic comparison with stock cars of the era, an M3 would easily smoke a stock Supra, just saying. Nice choice the RX7, love me some rotary craziness. I'd also pick the Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 for the nostalgia value (I've played countless hours on the first Gran Turismo games), and the timeless, evergreen design, that car is bound to skyrocket in value in the next years.
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