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Everything posted by Raymisto

  1. Decided to give your thread a read and it was worth it. I actually enjoyed it and learned a bit of new things while at it, so all in all very informative and detailed.
  2. It is time to evolve and move forward rather than backwards. GTA V is just a lot more appealing visually and it offers a lot more possibilities than SAMP did. Nevertheless, may the memories never be forgotten.
  3. Looking forward to seeing where the community takes off. Honestly, I have good vibes about the community and look forward to seeing what there is to come with due time. However, I am looking forward to seeing what the LEO side has to offer here. In all fairness though, the one thing which I am looking forward to the most is making fun memories with people and enjoying the various roleplaying scenarios that I will find myself in.
  4. Raymisto


    I do mingle with DayZ from time to time. If you are looking for someone to play with, you are in luck then! Just shoot me a DM.
  5. Raymisto

    Damage System Preview

    Just took a look at the newest feature and I got to say, it looks amazing and resemblances the old one from SAMP as well. Great work nevertheless.
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