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  1. Who made you in charge of judging wether the question is dumb or not? Unfortunately moving to a new game doesn’t necessarily mean a better and less toxic community. Simpler to manage when it comes to IG commands I guess. But overall good question, myself I didn’t know you could use space in SAMP.
  2. You’re all talking about reporting but do you realize how hard it is to prove metagaming ? There are lot of people who record all the time while playing, but there are also a lot who cant do this because of their computer. You can’t just allow anything and everything then tell people who fear misuse to "just report it" It’s like allowing all players access to LSPD weapons then saying "it’s forbidden for players to use LSPD weapon, report anyone doing so" Clearly no one wants to recognize that this rule (voice chat allowed for LSPD/SD, but not for other factions) is unfair, advantageous for some and disadvantageous for others. Give me one reason to justify why LSPD/SD deserves this advantage and not others. ICly voice chat est justified for both, as now in 2021 there are phones and wireless devices. So why OOCly only one deserves it??
  3. 1)The ability to choose between dark display and light display Tbh the current display is not my favorite. 2)The ability to toggle side windows like announcements and twitter 3)Removing the birthday window because I’ve been seeing this feature in many forums since 2006 and I’m telling you it never served any real purpose 4)The member statistics can be put in the bottom instead of having a window of its own, and in the same character size as the copyright claim. Same thing for the "newest member" window, both informations can actually be put in one small (not too small) sentence in the bottom of the page. 5)Using actually smaller windows and smaller character size for forums… 6)On the home page I can access to discord with at least 3 different clicks and one of them is a very big window in the bottom. I think that’s too much. To be less precise, I just feel that the forum is too dark and too condensed bcuz it’s too big and with many useless features.
  4. I didn’t ask you to care, I just asked you to be respectful towards other servers and communities, because the way you talk is irritatingly arrogant. And it’s not because you have a yellow badge under your password that you can allow yourself to come here and talk as if you understood everything in roleplay and you’re better than everyone and you can talk who is accepted here and who isn’t. I’m a player here just like you are, my opinion is as important as yours, and if I want to change something and have energy for that then that’s what I’m going to do, if you think people doing that is unacceptable then this behavior itself is actually what’s unacceptable. "All your communities are copying us" you’re actually way up your ass you risk to tear up your rectum. Just fyi where I was playing nothing was copied on LSRP, the systems were so different, and it’s not the only RP server having full autonomy, so really I advise you to calm down a little. I don’t know who you are to allow yourself to talk to me like this, but next time read the title of the topic before getting involved, this time I’m gonna help you read : "what do you want to see out of the Los Santos Police Department?" I wanna emphasize on the words "you" and "want". "You" means ME, not me AND Aaron, so basically I get to say my own opinion, I don’t have to adjust it to your extreme definitions of what sould be roleplay. "Want" means really… what I want, it doesn’t have to be written on a dictionary or a textbook or an Aaron’s post, if I wanted to see LSPD disappear then you be sure it’s all my right to talk about this in this topic. One more thing, RP fanaticism is a clear and simple concept, I needed to use this word to talk about people like you who are all the time pushing for a game where you slow-walk/drive all the time, write /me for absolutely everything and anything, OOC-punish anyone who’s driving a bit too fast or who uses gun for middle inconveniences, open BORING factions (actually you’d be against factions because roleplay is all about the wonderful tool called /me, who needs other scripts right?) etc etc…and most importantly, these people talk too much on forums. So these fanatics are what pushed lot of people to leave LSRP:SA, and I’m afraid they’ll be the ones to ruin LSRP:V soon or later. Last, it doesn’t make much sense the way you think, like how am I the one complicating things while I’m suggesting the possibility of using keybinder which is something that simplifies it lol? Also you tend to take things to their extreme which -in addition of not making sense- is a debate method I haven’t seen since I was like 15 yo…I said I don’t like writing long /me for routine stuffs, what part of your brain you used to conclude that written servers aren’t the best option of me? You’re playing on LSRP only to write /me to handcuff people or what? You can’t find other RP activities?
  5. First of all I wouldn’t let you call my former server as low RP, it was the number 1 RP server in the french talking community for more than a decade. And I was actually saying that there too keybinder wasn’t allowed (although it was sometimes tolerated for script commands like idk /toggleradio or something) I was talking about RP fanaticism, and according to my definition of it, you are presenting signs of this fanaticism. Lot of people still don’t realize that SAMP isnt the only reason lot of players left LSRP, and actually the main reason was that the game wasn’t enjoyable anymore, because too much RP kills RP. Wether it’s here or on the other server, I was sick of having to write 20 lines /me for basic things, I was even OOC jailed 60 minutes for not using /me in the gas station. So, even if I don’t want a server where no /me is done, I still don’t want a server where you have to "/me takes his left hand of his knee and puts its smoothly and gently and softly and slowly in his pocket before taking out his radio" when you actually just want to get backup. This is just fastidious and boring ! I cannot see where’s the powergame, you save a /me keybind, then you press the key and let the other person have enough time to answer. It’s just a tool to spare you the effort of writing 400 letters each time you wanna handcuff someone. Ofc you adapt it, if you get a suspect with three hands you won’t use the handcuff keybind that is written for suspects with two hands. But like, I myself get absolutely no pleasure in writing the /me for basic stuffs done routinely…reading it makes the scene imaginable and that’s nice, but I don’t enjoy that moment between starting to type and pressing enter. I don’t defend "/me handcuffs X", I never said let’s be cool with that, I’m actually suggesting an idea to make it simpler to have detailed scenes. Also, trusting your members this much is exactly the issue, because powergaming/metagaming can be obvious and easily "reportable" like in the example you gave, but in many situations it can’t. Anyway, I gave 3 ideas, I got no feedback about the taser one.
  6. I wasn’t talking about the RP quality, I was talking about the IC event itself, so the example you gave isn’t equivalent to what we’re talking about. When you don’t have a mic you have more chances of losing ICly but who cares?? Also, forbidding keybinder in all cases seems absurd to me, it’s what I’d call "RP fanaticism". Keybinds to write the needed /me to handcuff people, or to ask for backup, seems just fine to me. One of the things that made me leave the other server I was playing in, is too much writing. I’m all good with interacting with others, it’s not that what tired me, but it felt too much to have to write 3 lines /me for repetitive things such as handcuffing. That was just a remak, it’s not my main subject And let’s not forget about my other argument which is that you guys are too advantaged in certain IC scenes. Plus, we can never know if the voice chat use was done correctly or not, you can ask for backup while being aimed at by a gun and the person in front will never guess it, although idk if rageMP allows it but I hope the use of voice chat will be visible IG just like in Five’. I heard your argument about how you’re severe about that and all, but understand that in order to be severe about something you have to get to know about it, and the voice use the way it was in SAMP made it super hard to guess wether it was done correctly or not…when you ram your car into something at 150 km/h during a car chase then keep going like nothing happened, there are high chances the suspect and/or your colleagues and/or the eventual admin spectating you saw it, but when you call for backup inside a tight house with suspects inside, it’s hard for them/your colleagues/the admin to know how exactly you did things. Anyway, I said what I disliked in this faction, and I’m not the only one to think so as it seems, idk how the decisions are made when you tell me that you aren’t interested in players who don’t use voice chat, but I think decisions in such subjects should be done according to a vote including all players and not according to the only decision of the leading board.
  7. 1)Your opinion matters, because back in the days jail lengths were decided partially according to how annoyed the LSPD (and LSSD) is by car chases and shootouts and other stuffs. 2)It’s a game, who cares about the hassle people face IC? Like, do you realize you’re obligating OOCly something to avoid IC events?? I’ve played in high quality RP servers where voice chat was forbidden for everyone including LSPD, and they still managed to be effective and play very well. For emergencies I remember we were advised to have keybinder, which was so simple yet so effective. With one key you ask for backup and describe your situation in one or two words (Officer shot, car chase etc…)ofc it wouldn’t allow precise descriptions (suspect or car description or directions) but that doesn’t seem necessary to me in a GAME. But, even if it’s necessary to you, it doesn’t have to be fatality, you can recruit LEOs without mics under certain conditions…for instance no solo patrol allowed.
  8. 1)No IC use for Discord/Teamspeak/whatever you were using to talk IRL. There are two things that frustrated me a lot in this when I was playing here : -During your interventions, people in front of you are so at disadvantage, because while you can ask for backup and say where and how and plan the whole thing in 0.5 seconds, they have to write it all and it takes time. -And, in my 3 years or idk of my presence here, I never could join nor LSPD nor LSSD only because the use of vocal communication was a must and I didn’t feel comfortable with that, and I did talk to few people and they felt the same. Tbh obligating vocal communication seems so extreme. Actually, while I suggested no IC use, I’d actually be fine with it if you don’t discriminate during recruitment between those who can talk and those who cant or don’t want to, it’s also fine if you give priority in leading interventions and access to leading ranks to those who talk, just don’t refuse people access to the whole LSPD only for not willing to use vocal chat. 2)The taser working from 60 km distance is definitely not fairplay, and I never could understand how it never changed in SAMP. Like, it was impossible to run away from cops on foot, they could tase you no matter how far you are, while irl it can be shot up to only -maybe- 2 meters ? 3)This is not an LSPD decision, but I genuinely wanna know if everyone here (including ex LSPD members) wanna keep the old jail lengths? 5 hours for a car chase in GTA wtf was that.
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