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Everything posted by almightybounter

  1. @Kingston AT ohne dich gibt es keinen chat
  2. Ihr könnt hier alle über alles diskutieren.
  3. Willkommen auf der deutschen Seite des Forums! Schön, dass ihr alle hier seid. Vergesst nicht, dass hier auch alle Forenregeln gelten. Bitte lasst uns den unnötigen SPAM vermeiden, da wir solche Beiträge im Forum wie immer mit Warnungen beantworten werden.
  4. You can /report and request for $4000 to be given to you, related to the Scenario Scheme. For future reference, include text and timestamp in your screenshots so we're aware of the roleplay that's going on.
  5. Hey. You can passively roleplay this, You’re required to take screenshots of the passive roleplay, raw screenshots with timestamp of the fraud & MazePay checks. Your reward is set as following: • For checks, you will receive $200 per check, with a limit of a check per day and you’ll start off with a limit of 4 checks a week. • For the tax fraud, you are set at a single scene per week, with a $800 reward. If that’s okay by you, reply to this with a confirmation.
  6. @Draxxler Scheme request accepted, You will get a short-term response time of 1.5 minutes after the weapons have been drawn, time after which the police has to be called and informed of what's going on. Be sure to take screenshots of the whole scenario with a timestamp and post it here after it's done. Your reward is set at $4,000. Good luck!
  7. @Birdman Scheme request accepted, You get a response of 1.5 minutes (one and half) after the vehicle has been smashed into the glass. Please make sure the cops are called in due time and the roleplay is supervised, as well as screenshots taken. We'll of course need /timestamp on all of the screenshots, for reference. Good luck!
  8. @Yeager Please post all the roleplay in relation to the scheme here so you keep us in the loop of what's going on.
  9. @Rising Dust Please post all of the roleplay done in relation to the scheme here after you do it, keep us in the loop of how it goes.
  10. Okay. You guys can continue with this. The timer you get before the cops are called is 2.5 minutes. Please make sure everything contains a timestamp or /servertime from the time you enter and by the time cops are called. Make sure you include screenshots of the conversation with the police, give them the details necessary. Take screenshots of the stuff that was stolen along with everything else that's needed. Scheme accepted, good luck!
  11. @Birdman This is fine, as long as the police still gets called after the aforementioned time in the requirements. You guys can loot as much as you can but the police still has to be called. Even if no guns are withdrawn, a break-in should still notify the cops so there's player risk involved. By the time they get there, the time you break in and the time you call them, that should be enough time to let you think how you want this to pan out. Is that OK by you?
  12. Is TOR the only method you'll come across those parts? How are you planning the delivery of the components? What about assembling them?
  13. Good old times of properly unwelded skins. Love ya boyz
  14. i will personally deliver ur birthday cake
  15. almightybounter


    first and FUCK YEAH
  16. RAGE:MP comes with EAC, whether we like it or not...
  17. Not viable, vehicles cannot stay spawned at all times for obvious reasons.
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