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Everything posted by GachoRule

  1. Mercedes Maybach 2022 too nice of an interior and spinning speakers.
  2. That's good then friend! As long as we all are good in these days! Making sure to connect to people for memories in LSRP too many good ones in SAMP. But gaming is life.
  3. GachoRule


    How are you my friend? And you know the ayoos and yoos and woooes
  4. you don't like getting asked if your good?
  5. Could there be like an animal business like a shelter where the dogs are kept and being able to own a dog? If that is possible. Same as doing VETS for example? Let me know if possible. Could add camping spots, where you'd have to buy to camp in the one area, depends if you could put out caravans or create an interior for it. Like a place to rent caravans, not through the main places. Would have to drive to the country side. Also could add live casino with commands that are available same as with live poker. Broadcasting businesses - where you can fly helicopters, get the latest news from the Police Department and all the factions that are legal that need news put out instead of having /ads, unless there's no people online to do so.
  6. Fuck reading people's minds. And telekinesis so I can troll people. Would you rather - would you lay there with 10 rats or 100 of critters
  7. No friends and a lot of money Would you rather - wear girls clothes or wear a gimp suit
  8. This guy always needs to be told he's great as well!
  9. I guess your doing good?
  10. Yeah too right ^^^^ to that one
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