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About Complaicant

  • Birthday May 15

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  1. I still cant believe they let your smelly ass be a tester lol. Congrats homie
  2. Dope update. Glad to hear new features are in the works
  3. This whole revival of SAMP LSRP has been one hell of a nostalgia trip for a lot of us.
  4. Complaicant

    Last Meal

    If my mother is still alive by time this comes around I would request that prison allows her to make her homemade cheese burgers she made when I was growing up w/ real deli American cheese, mayo on a toasted bun, onions, and her homemade French fries as a side and as a topping on the burger. If she's not then it would be two filet mignon wrapped w/ bacon, a loaded baked potato, canned Green Giant spinach, mac and cheese, and the rolls and butter from Texas Road House.
  5. I would try deleting whatever copy of GTA sa you have and use one of these. Either Gporium's GTA or Roze's GTA. These are both known working, entire copies of GTA that you can just install, put on a drive, and launch samp/omp right away. No need to crack or downgrade anything.
  6. This is sick man. You do really good work, keep it up.
  7. I agree with this and think a forensics system would greatly benefit the LEO and Illegal RPers alike.
  8. It all comes down to personal taste. What you might not find interesting or fund someone else might be okay dealing with because they enjoy the other aspects a great deal more and are willing to overlook the downsides. There are positive sides and negative sides to all roleplay. Certain types of roleplay attract certain types of people. That's how it is with everything in life. I don't think deciding EVERYTHING via poll is the best option. Most times true democracies are not a good idea at scale because what the majority of people want might not actually be healthy for the server/community as a whole. However, the input from the player base should be heavily weighed over almost all other factors to a certain degree.
  9. I have a very vivid memory of a situation where myself and another cop that were partnered pulled up to the Willowfield Cluckin bell and RP'd order food when the local gang rolled up into the parking lot and started talking shit and harassing us. Instead of escalating the scene and calling for backup, my partner at the time hopped out and squared up with their OG. My partner proceeded to beat the brakes off this gang RPer and then the gang let us go our separate way with the bragging rights. That is by far one of those memories from back in the day that lives in my head rent free. @Wildcat
  10. Glad to see a team picking up the mantle. I'm excited for the future of GTA SA multiplayer as a whole.
  11. Complaicant

    June Update

    Great update, genuinely excited for the direction the server is going.
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