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NASTY last won the day on September 1 2024

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  1. The community has fallen apart, the standards have completely dipped & the overall level of RP is generally in the gutter. As many people have already mentioned, there's a big problem with a lot of players mentality, complete lack of fear when it comes to rping in the streets etc and everyone is just a complete badass it seems. The entire faction scene got boring cause whoever has the most guns/members simply wins & parts of IFM seem completely incompetent. There's nothing left to do on the server lol
  2. NASTY


    me and all the homies hate lalo
  3. @Mmartin Come on bro, get them emails pumping son!
  4. Just keep ur drivers updated and make sure you've got space on the disk you're saving your clips to!
  5. SAMP is super Niche amongst english speaking gamers & the roleplay scene is pretty niche too. Combining these two you're left with a community that has very limited growth potential. On top of that, being a fairly hardcore roleplay server (By todays standards atleast) it's very difficult for new players to adjust especially when there's a plethora of RP servers that don't encourage a realistic approach but rather a "Fun" & "Quirky" approach of "Roleplay whatever you want!". But, I do think there's a few USP's that SAMP & LSRP has that need to be capitalised on. 1) Easy accessibility. GTA SA is so easy to crack, it's basically free & virtually any computer nowadays can run SAMP at a more than stable frame rate, something that cannot be said for other roleplay games such as FIVEM, RAGE, G-Mod, ARMA etc. This is one of the only RP games that pretty much ANYBODY can run on ANY System and it's actually what made me play this back in 2015 for the first time, I had a piece of shit laptop and I always had a fascination for RP games but I couldn't run any of them, today with a high-end PC I still choose to play LSRP over any other RPing game and I think that this can be a massive selling point for the server. 2) The RP scene: The scene is growing, something I never would have thought would happen! Back in 2016/2017 I never thought that RP on GTA had even a chance of blowing because of how fucking nerdy it really is. But here we are, 2024 and GTA RP is on a steady incline, everyone wants to play it & there's massive communities built around RP, unfortunately it's all on GTA V, but as mentioned above, the accessibility to playing a modded GTA V server is limited to those with the correct hardware. IF there was ever a time for LSRP to swoop in, it'd definitely be NOW. 3) The Past: Someone has already mentioned this and I really think that someone needs to put on their big boy pants and fucking do it already. There's over 100,000 unique members with LSRP accounts, get that fucking email list and send out emails every update! Let people know that LSRP is back! I'm sure there's still thousands of people out there who just don't know that LSRP has made a comeback! This community is more than salvageable, there just needs to be an action plan put into place. We're struggling to maintain 200 players now and honestly at this rate by February next year we may struggle to keep the population above 100, It'd be a massive shame to see the community go out like that (Again) so I really do hope that steps will be taken in the right direction... And the FINAL point, the LSRP admins clearly are trying SOMETHING, they've recently created a "content creator" programme for players to submit content to their instagram in an effort to help promote the server, it's up to us to also help out in trying to uphold the PB not just the admins, they have lives just as much as we do, if we can all come together (lol) maybe we can make it happen.
  6. Would GIF/Video support be possible or is that too much? It's nice to sometimes have GIFs with text without having to resort to firing up Premiere Pro.
  7. I'm so glad that you made this! There is a blaring issue tho, any drug related text doesn't show up for some reason (apart from using drugs). /mydrugs doesn't show up /givedrug doesn't show up either. This means any lines that include either of these commands doesnt come up in the final screenshot!
  8. i didnt know ma boy makin moves like thisssss
  9. badhbh gang or don't bang!
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