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Everything posted by holaa.

  1. you ajail them for 2 hours they get released they avoid ic consquences and actual jail which goes on their IC record PD/SD wasted their time the player loses nothing
  2. he lost his character, he lost the ability to RP with the people he rp'd with due to terrible IC decisions ????
  3. pd/sd on other servers dont start at same place but they don't get kicked out of the faction
  4. If you don't force CKs on dumb shit nobody is going to value their characters it's going to cause more unrealistic stuff going down than it will do good. this isn't samp anymore, times change and you gotta adapt it's a norm on English txt RP servers on here, be it present past or future
  5. hello! rip capo where my wraps???
  6. Stab as he does not understand the concept of this game
  7. SIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU why is my hair turning grey already?
  8. i would say so why is my dog barking for no reason
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