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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2022 in Posts

  1. I just remembered about good ole LSRP and the old forums, tried getting on there but our boy Martin still has them locked up. Right, that's when I realized this "project" has gone nowhere. Came on here to see that my assumption was spot on! Found this as the most active thread on the whole forum with the first post on this page being from July 5th. It tells you something,no? I read through most of the replies and wow, I got a blast from the past! Classic General Discussions topic from the old forums, except this one is still unlocked and not deleted? What a way to start my Sunday. All I can say is, that release date along with the staff replies on this thread have aged like milk. Some of them are straight up COMEDY lol. I don't understand the admins/testers defending Martin, do your colored names mean that much to you? I was staff myself but I never felt like losing my dignity over it. Why does he not get on here and say a couple of words himself, even if it was lies, at least that way he can buy himself a little more time? Doesn't take a whole lot of energy and time to do it, no? The lack of transparency has always been a recurring theme for this community and it seems like it's going to stay like that until its very end. How come they never learn after all these years just baffles me. Which is really a bummer because this is one of the best communities I've been a part of and I'm sure many other people can say the same. I remember the moment they removed Damian from leadership, but I don't remember there being a valid reason behind it? This was 2016 I think, the consequences were felt the very next year with a massive decrease in player count. Let's not lie to ourselves he was far from perfect but at least he was active, putting in some effort here and there and wasn't going MIA. Server script was a dinosaur compared to some I've seen but it was simple and more than enough for the most of us. With a small overhaul surely it would have kept the SAMP LSRP alive & running for another couple of years. Instead they let egos get in the way and would you look at where that has brought all of us. I had hope that there was going to be something out of this but when they postponed after December I knew where this was going. Had me fooling ngl
    1 point
  2. After reading through the whole topic/comments and going through some of the discord conversations, I strongly believe that this should ring some alarm bells for management. There's not a single positive comment in this whole thread for the leaders of this community. Simply put, the community is overall unhappy and dissatisfied. I have 2 messages: My public message to the leadership team: Regardless of what's happened with development, lack of updates and all, I believe there is still hope to bring this community together and take this as a massive learning lesson. Right now, as I see it, players keep mentioning "transparency." All they want is honesty and being upfront. A simple search on LSRP's main discord channel of the word "Transpar" would show how many times and how many players have mentioned the lack of transparency from leadership. Even in this topic, the same thing is repeated. With that being said, you guys have definitely made attempts to be transparent but clearly, it's not enough because that term is consistently brought back and used amongst the community (even staff members). So that is something that should be looked at and prevent from happening again in the future. I also believe there's an element of professionalism that lacks in leadership/staff. Of course this is a game and people fuck around (which is completely fine), but high-level people need to maintain some sort of professionalism atleast in tense situations. The prime example is within this topic and those are the replies from Kane. First of all, I'd like to mention that I have a lot of respect for Kane. This guy has done A LOT for LSRP in SAMP and here. I know he's a hard-worker and he's been one of the most responsive people during this tough time. Much respect for him. However, not everyone is perfect and what Kane did in this topic should be considered a mistake in all honesty. All of the comments by Kane were just bizarre instead if he posted something positive AKA what Yekim posted, that's literally what everyone was looking for. Instead, he made the most useless comments. In a moment where LSRP is filled with negativity, I cannot understand why one of the highest ranked guys was poking instead of trying to calm players down and bring some sort of positivity. The staff need to understand that you guys are actually responsible for leading a huge community. Therefore, you guys need to be able to demonstrate real leadership by not only completing the work, but also by being liked, respected, and trusted in the community. That goes a long way. Another thing is criticism. People are frustrated and there's a decent reason behind that. Why are people topics being deleted? Why are they getting forum banned? I haven't personally witnessed it myself, but I've got that through reading this topic. Y'all need to be more understanding and overall nice. Imagine if one of the topics that was deleted was instead locked and the last message from one of the staff read: "Hey, we understand your frustration. However, the way you've gone about expressing X is not acceptable for X reasons. I am going to lock this topic, but you can feel free to contact me personally and we can discuss. Regards, X admin." That's obviously an example, but that indirectly shows something to the rest of the community. That shows you guys have patience by not just banning them right away (obviously within limitations), shows you actually care about the players. And that's essentially what leads to being liked and respected. Be nice, let people express their concerns within limitations. Management needs to make an effort to gel the community back together. I would highly recommend one of the leaders from LSRP to make a forward-looking statement where the community feels like they're being led by people who care about them. And once the server launches, to actually act upon that. Acknowledging your team's short-comings would be even better, it shows accountability. Just a transparent, honest message to the whole community would, in my opinion, bring back some respect and relief from the community. And that statement shouldn't probably be put out now, but maybe when the server releases or close to being released. You guys probably know a better time than I do. The bottom line is that the leadership needs to gain the trust and respect of the community again because it has been lost. Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone from the management team. Kane and Martin, you guys are obviously the backbone of this whole project and without you guys, this would never be possible. I am very appreciative everything you guys have done and you guys have my full support. A special thank you to Kane though. Even though I pointed something negative here, your activity and responsiveness have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for being available and responsive to players and that's on top of all the development work you've done/are doing. My message to the community: Brudda's, I know what has happened isn't the best and shit happens, but fuck we're all gonna tap in when LSRP releases so let's just try to show some sorta support to the people who lead this project. None of us have said thank you or be appreciative of what's been going on. The last update was on July 13 so it's not all that bad and in the back of our minds, we atleast know that work is being done. Let's just try taking it easy on these guys. Hopefully things will get better soon.
    1 point
  3. You and people like Apophis were apart of the bad side of LSRP. Flemwad you singehandily brought GOV rp to it's knees because you wouldn't trust players. Apophis makes this thread, but people celebrated when he left. He wasn't apart of the positive side of LSRP. He was never one of "us" as he says. The six years I spent on LSRP was the greatest gaming experience of my life. Playing alongside some amazing people, the community is what made LSRP great. The factions, the solo rpers and the people who were behind them. What bogged this server down was always stemming from one source, management. Yet nobody in management believes they were the problem. Just look at this thread, nobody thinks they were apart of the problem.
    1 point
  4. the only way lsrp becomes something other than a nostalgia trip is by handing it off to fresh blood. i mean letting all the admins and management reinstate despite the unanimous hate they received for the last server's downfall was super questionable. imo martin should take a step back and manage the server from a macro standpoint, using his experience to guide the developers in the right direction but not being a physical chokepoint needed to deploy changes and manage the dedis even if this server miraculously releases we're just going to get half-years of stagnancy on repeat until people get fed up bcs mmartin will always be needed to press the deploy button and pay the hosting n his career obviously cant support the micro management needed to run this stuff its sad, i wonder how long it will take for developers to figure out all people want is a basic heavy rp platform that isnt GTAW
    1 point
  5. LSRP would've been great if people like Mmartin would be kept away, he's just lying to everyone for months giving fucked up reasons and thinking that everyone will buy his lies for the 100th time lol. This will never see the day of light, and even if that happens, it'll be a massive L because no one will return here, for the obvious reasons. LSRP was great when you played it with your friends and enjoyed it, but looking back, there was hardly any activity regarding updates or implementing new features. People kept donating regardless of that, and that's why Suggestions were locked for years :). To whoever still hopes this opens up, just move on and remember LSRP as a good old memory where you learned wonderful stuff and met great people. For me LSRP was logging in in Carson for around 3 years and spending hours and hours trying to bring some action in the county. Having barbecues and talking about aliens and basically just having fun. LSRP was when your mIRC would ping and your PC would buzz like hell. LSRP was when you spent many nights playing with your friends and simply had fun with almost nothing. LSRP was. I've tried to join this once I saw the GTA V server and I was surprised to see updates being pushed regularly, but what happened since March proves me that I wasn't wrong - LSRP will be LSRP. It's too late to return and try to change something now, any excuse is useless and no one will ever believe anyone in the Lead Staff anymore. Zero transparency = zero players. Whatever and whenever opens here, it'll be either old relics playing for the nostalgia, or banned players that are not accepted anywhere else by now. And the relics will leave as soon as they realize that. i'm probably getting banned from this forum by now, but I've seen enough crazy shit in my time here.
    1 point
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