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Suggestion to merge Port of LS and 'Trucker Job'


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Hi. I've got a suggestion regarding the Port of LS. It'll would be easy to make the port a central aspect of the server in terms of functionality and roleplaying ability. Everything IC that is material (clothes, cars, weapons, drugs etc.) should have to go through the port. We've got the capabilities and experience from the development team to stop stuff just 'appearing' in game! 


Take for example: If 'Grotti Dealership' wants 5x generic Exotic Car, then it is ordered by the business (manually done by an employee!), delivered at the port in 12/24/48 hours (depending on item rarity) and then they have to wait for someone who has an appropriate vehicle and license to deliver that from the port. 


The port can be instrumental when you start making it a privilege to have access to such place. Truckers need to apply to the Port of LA for authority to enter the port and transport goods.  For example, have three types of licenses/authority that are dependant on the goods received / transporting and vehicle being driven. 


  • LVGT License -  Low Value Good Transport -  access to goods that are less than $10000 (such as supermarket stock, clothes, cosmetics)
  • MVGT License - Medium Value Goods Transport - access to goods that are less than $75000 (low-value cars, electronics, white-goods, building materials)
  • HVGT License - High Value Transport - access to good that are more than $75000 (high-value cars, specialist items, legal firearms)


Each license comes with a list of vehicles..for example:

  • LVGT won't have a vehicle transporter, or a massive truck. It'll be the Bobcat equivalent and doesn't really support too much illegal activity. 
  • MVGT would have larger vehicles which allows for more stock, and allows for more chances to have illegal items alongside legal items in the truck.
  • HVGT wouldn't have any restrictions, allows for mass amounts of legal stock and illegal stock to be done. 


From this, all levels of authority can perform illegal RP, but you aren't going to get a LGTV carrying around 250k worth of weapons. This would push people to get more involved with the port, apply for higher licenses in the legal aspect and make criminal enterprises value the use of the port and make LSSD/LSPD patrol the port more often looking for things that are a bit suspicious. Real life criminals are clever, under the radar and aren't blatantly obvious!


Another feature of this is that each license, whilst applied for with the Port of LS would need to pass a script-wise driving test, a LVGT test would be driving around with a bobcat, the next a heavier vehicle and the final would be a vehicle transporter, or large flatbeds / trailers attached. 


Let me know what you think!

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In my opinion the merging can be done through developement as a whole into IC matters, depending all about the activity and the players that want to see it merged, and those that show an interest in involving into such roleplay. Great idea but this one needs to grow a little after the server's launch, man 

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Yes! This!!!!


Port has unlimited potential and will become a vital part of the economy if we make it as the first point of the IC goods supply chain. 


Business order goods as alcohol, tobacco, food in advance and have to plan ahead. Those goods are shipped and arrive at the port where they are processed by the port employees (unloaded and unpacked from shipping containers) and taken by trucks to the businesses. Creates natural lead time.


This would create a new business type - suppliers. They would order and store larger quantities of various goods and sell them to businesses that need goods urgently with a mark-up.


Vehicle dealerships could be opened by players in addition to the server owned ones, which would order and sell cars on-spot without the need to wait.  


This could be expanded a lot, both for legal and illegal organizations. 

Narcotics could be shipped in containers between goods and the criminal orgazination would have to bribe port people to let it pass. Or threaten them. Or come in and take it by force.


Maybe extend it to fuel supply too? Just make the supply like this:


Cheaper, but not as much quanities - oil field > refinery > gas station.


More expensive, but unlimited - ship > port > gas station.


This has to happen @ImperiumXVII

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5 hours ago, Venta said:

Yes! This!!!!


This has to happen @ImperiumXVII


I appreciate your enthusiasm!! 😁


I love your suppliers idea; it's a good way for it to be expanded further. a few people in the real world make a very solid living being a supplier to multiple companies, so it's not far fetched to have a few main suppliers for different items! It'll still make the port useful, just change the end location rather to the business directly it'll go to a wholestock supplier for example.


The petrol idea is good too - it'll give uses for the LGTV to run petrol around the city and make sure business owners aren't having a passive income and that they still have to work for their money. If they want to hire someone to do that for them, then it's on them but it'll eat profit margins.


The entire idea of the license types is to restrict access to the port (as it would be in real life) and to make it a privilege to be there by being made to get a license by applying on the LSGOV website or done by another IC means. It'll stop the clowns running around so to speak 🙂 


I think the potential for both legal and illegal RP in this area is quite strong if the right resources are put towards developing it correctly to be a strong, integral part of the server.


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7 hours ago, roskeii said:


I love your suppliers idea; it's a good way for it to be expanded further. a few people in the real world make a very solid living being a supplier to multiple companies, so it's not far fetched to have a few main suppliers for different items! It'll still make the port useful, just change the end location rather to the business directly it'll go to a wholestock supplier for example.


Businesses would have the option to order everything from "overseas" directly, but that would have to be planned ahead, as that's a cheaper option, but has more lead time. 

Instead, if let's say, a business wants to open in 3hrs, but they don't have any supplies as drinks, or food, or whatever consumables they need to operate, they contact one of the local suppliers which keep stock on-site and arrange a delivery asap, however, then they pay price asked by the supplier, which can be quite high.


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So like that, I read here your whole idea roskeii plus the comments written here.

In my opinion the idea could be great and add a lot of interest to the port, very potential and would make the port be the center of attention and not as it happened before - there was no interest and the RP there was very poor.

The question I ask:


  • How will it be planned? How can we maintain a clean play environment
  • How to plan the license types, their value and price & restrictions and level planning.
  • How will the issue be enforced and how will the punishment system work.
  • How businesses will be able to place their orders online and how port employees will deliver the goods.
  • How the payment to the port will be made and through what point in the government it will go.

- The idea is wonderful! In order to realize it we will have to think outside the box to complete the subject in its entirety.
I am very glad that there are people here who think more efficiently about the port and its operation, I assure you that the port will be a very valued and good place on the server.

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7 hours ago, Rising Dust said:


  • How will it be planned? How can we maintain a clean play environment 
    • What do you mean by clean play?
  • How to plan the license types, their value and price & restrictions and level planning.
    • I don't think we should get extreme with licenses. I'm sure it would be enough to have like two types of licenses for different types of trucks, maybe base it on axles or max weight/load of the vehicle. And of course dangerous goods transportation license which would allow transportation of gas and other potentially dangerous goods. Guns, maybe?
  • How will the issue be enforced and how will the punishment system work.
    • IC? If yes, then the Port Authority would put of certain guidelines and companies operating in the Port would have to create their internal procedures accordingly.
  • How businesses will be able to place their orders online and how port employees will deliver the goods.
    • There could be some sort of IC website where orders could be placed. That would be the most simple solution in my opinion.
  • How the payment to the port will be made and through what point in the government it will go.
    • The price of the goods would consist of three parts: Price + Shipping (Port) + VAT/Import Tax (Goes to government)



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