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Robbery Rules Update [07/06/2024]

Dos Santos

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  • Lead Admin

Hi all,


After seeing a lot of people complaining about the amount of robberies and non-realistic robberies I've decided to implement a rule to try and combat that as much as possible and gain control of the situation.


I understand, it's probably a rule being implemented that would have a major impact on your day to day roleplay.


Is there anything we could change, any disagreements?


I would like to get the communities take on this and how they feel.



[Server Rules]

#08 Robbing & Scamming


Only a maximum of two (2) players are allowed to engage in robbery roleplay together. The only weapons that are allowed to be used in a robbery are: 


- All melee weapons
- Desert Eagle
- Colt 45
- Silenced Pistol
- TEC9


To engage in a robbery with more than two people and with more powerful weapons than listed, you must receive approval from a level 2 or above administrator in-game once you have given them an explanation on why you want to engage in a robbery with more than two people and with more powerful weapons



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I don't really care about the gun rule although I don't see much of a point to it, but hey, maybe there's some M4 robbery squads going around that I haven't encountered. My real issue is with the 2-player limit. There's nothing special about two people committing a robbery together that makes it that much more 'realistic' than 3, 4 or 5. I've never been mugged by 4 people and had my main thought be 'this would never happen in real life', I'm usually more concerned that my stuff's being taken.


Remove that part and it's whatever, perfectly fine change.

Edited by Gurgos
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  • Lead Admin

I’m happy to take everything into consideration from reading this we could do the following;


- Raise to three man limit, or would you all prefer four?

- include shotguns with robberies.


Ive had a lot of people mention to myself that they are disappointed about the shotgun not being included.


What’s your opinions/thoughts


- One person involved in a robbery is allowed to utilise a shotgun / and the rest utilise the small weapons.

- everybody involved is able to utilise a shotgun and no limits?



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  • Lead Admin

The only people that are going to be negatively effected by this are robbery squads. If anyone's actually serious about their RP and wants three people involved they can simply /re and get permission - as long as it makes sense for their characters and admins are told how to vet these requests in a fair way then I really don't see the issue. Most of these problematic/senseless robbery squads are in groups of 3-4 people. This rule is a step in the right direction for us to be able to stop players from being robbed constantly by characters with no development other than committing chain robberies. 

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I would also suggest:


Traveling far from your character's usual area just to mug someone.

Parking your vehicle blocks away and running to a location to mug someone.

Driving into the county as a gang member from Ganton to conduct a robbery in Fort Carson without a sensible in-character reason (such as a logical path leading to Red/Bone/Flint county).

Riding on a dirt bike with masks, not communicating, and conducting gun-point robberies at drive-bys with random pedestrians.

Moving rapidly from one robbery to another, demanding victims to move quickly, or conducting robberies solely to gain out-of-character assets rather than for roleplay.

Robbing with the intention of provoking conflict, such as targeting people in gang neighborhoods to create an excuse for violence.

Attempting to kidnap someone solely to mug them.



In my opinion, people should actively gather IC information on deals between gangs and mobsters and then attempt robberies. Perhaps increasing the robbing limit could facilitate this. For example, if there are 10 guns worth 100k, it's logical to assume that both the guns and the money are on the scene.

Also put a certain set of rules for this type of robbery.



I roleplay around Blueberry and Red County in general, and we encounter robbers almost every hour. We're dealing with robberies on an hourly basis. I simply don't see the logic in a group of black gangsters committing a robbery all the way out in the county for a couple of hundred bucks and 'maybe a gun' (which it never is).

If you want to RP it properly, it's quite a ride from LS to Blueberry. 


Edited by Evolutione


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Two man robbery rule is nonsense. I know it's idea to keep ''robbery squads'' to minimum.


But imagine scenario, you with a gang 3-4 people chill at the hood and there is some Rich guy who parks up.  You can't do anything, since robbing him would get you in Ajail. And if you need permission from admin, it takes time to get it, because admins can't always respond.


My best suggestion for this Idea to keep unrealistic robberies and rob squads to minimum are those:


- Desert Eagle, Colt 45, Silenced pistol, Uzi, Tec9, meele weapons allowed in robbery (No heavy automatic weapons allowed)
- Can't use expensive cars such as:  (Sultan, Bullet, Cheetah) in a robbery.

- To avoid chain robbing, you and your group are only allowed to perform robbery only ONCE in an hour.



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  • Lead Admin
18 minutes ago, Sir_Rolex said:

Two man robbery rule is nonsense. I know it's idea to keep ''robbery squads'' to minimum.


But imagine scenario, you with a gang 3-4 people chill at the hood and there is some Rich guy who parks up.  You can't do anything, since robbing him would get you in Ajail. And if you need permission from admin, it takes time to get it, because admins can't always respond.


My best suggestion for this Idea to keep unrealistic robberies and rob squads to minimum are those:


- Desert Eagle, Colt 45, Silenced pistol, Uzi, Tec9, meele weapons allowed in robbery (No heavy automatic weapons allowed)
- Can't use expensive cars such as:  (Sultan, Bullet, Cheetah) in a robbery.

- To avoid chain robbing, you and your group are only allowed to perform robbery only ONCE in an hour.



I imagine this would work similarly to that of for example ROE, 4 people are the maximum people allowed to attack a faction unless defending - because there's no way to control that. If the situation arises and you're stood in a group of 3+ and someone incredibly rob-able arrives, I don't see how we could take action against a group taking it upon themselves to rob the person. This is a good point and maybe some clarity should be added that this is for people leaving their own immediate area of roleplay to carry out robbings in-game.

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8 hours ago, Evolutione said:

I would also suggest:


Traveling far from your character's usual area just to mug someone.

Parking your vehicle blocks away and running to a location to mug someone.

Driving into the county as a gang member from Ganton to conduct a robbery in Fort Carson without a sensible in-character reason (such as a logical path leading to Red/Bone/Flint county).

Riding on a dirt bike with masks, not communicating, and conducting gun-point robberies at drive-bys with random pedestrians.

Moving rapidly from one robbery to another, demanding victims to move quickly, or conducting robberies solely to gain out-of-character assets rather than for roleplay.

Robbing with the intention of provoking conflict, such as targeting people in gang neighborhoods to create an excuse for violence.

Attempting to kidnap someone solely to mug them.



In my opinion, people should actively gather IC information on deals between gangs and mobsters and then attempt robberies. Perhaps increasing the robbing limit could facilitate this. For example, if there are 10 guns worth 100k, it's logical to assume that both the guns and the money are on the scene.

Also put a certain set of rules for this type of robbery.



I roleplay around Blueberry and Red County in general, and we encounter robbers almost every hour. We're dealing with robberies on an hourly basis. I simply don't see the logic in a group of black gangsters committing a robbery all the way out in the county for a couple of hundred bucks and 'maybe a gun' (which it never is).

If you want to RP it properly, it's quite a ride from LS to Blueberry. 



I think that what really matters is to prevent unrealistic OOC oriented chain robberies as @Evolutione mentions. Like others have suggested in another topic, there should be more safe zones at realistic areas of the city that in real life would be pretty crowded and heavily guarded so people can RP normal human being experiences and interactions outside of interiors and so that they can actually move with a sense of realism around town and not like programmed robots that can only log in for certain stuff and then have to log off. 

Alongside the realistic safe areas and the robbery conditions that y'all have talked about (weapons and people involved limits), there should also be rob attempts limits per day and realistic motivation/area of robbery for the ones involved.  

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