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How can we make illegal RP better?


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14 hours ago, RUMLY said:

Do not coddle or baby illegal roleplayers. That is the best way to ensure a high standard of RP in the illegal scene. I really really have high hopes for this server and I'm looking forward to both legal and illegal roleplay but I'm not going to lie, I am very curious to see how the illegal scene unfolds. I love seeing well roleplayed criminals and gangs that can string along more than two words at a time and actually show some character development instead of just pewpew pointless "gang wars" with no actual strategy behind it. Don't be afraid to clean up the scene when it's actually needed. Illegal roleplaying tends to attract more toxic players than the legal scene. This really gives the community a bad rep. Get rid of the bad apples while you can, before good illegal roleplayers decide to leave themselves.


With that being said, do give the illegal roleplayers the proper guidance and support they need. A good set of admins who have roleplayed as criminals but aren't biased would be a great start. 


Also, strongly agree with IdleStacks. Make arms supplier role available to people outside of factions as well.


One hundred percent. 


I'd love to see independent criminals playing both sides. I think opening schemes up to players who ain't in factions is going to be very important. obvs da ideal goal is to have a server where every illegal character has a big impact on the scene whether theyre in factions or not 

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It would be beneficial to reach out to factions that have supported and ran the illegal section for years. The old era of IFM and players have so much experience and ideas waiting on the sidelines when nothing has even been discussed yet. Sure, there are weapon and drug ideas/schemes released which is an important factor, no doubt. There needs to be implementation of business registration/applications as the server launch is fast approaching. This is a large part of the player base that is excited for a new era but it seems as if it is not cared about or supported really. With how the current IFM seems to be structured, there is little to no experience in real organized crime, gang, or any illegal factions for that matter. An IFM with primarily legal role-players or outdated/inactive role-players does not achieve the goal the player base is hoping for. There is no experience, ideas, and creativity there as they do not resonate with the players within illegal role-play.

Edited by Adrian
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Re open IFM applications so those who joined late, have a chance on joining it. Most of the people who signed up late have more than enough experience and knowledge on how to run a faction and what needs to be improved, just solely based of their experiences and the knowledge they hold.


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