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Game Update 13.3.11






With today's game update we're adding the ability to cut your drugs with dilutants and a set of furniture items to enhance your trap house interiors. We've also done tweaks to the algorithm for businesses accepting trucking cargo & fixing crashes related to that. We're also actively working with the community to revamp trucking route rewards to be more balanced.


[Game Update 13.3.11]
- Added ingredients - /myingr, /buyingr, /giveingr, /dropingr
- Added drug cutting - /cutdrug
- Added new furniture category Miscellaneous > Trap House
- Fixed /hq and /togfam not showing properly
- Edited the /givepropkey warning to include information re. furniture access
- Fixed businesses buying cargo within TPDA, the calculation now takes into account the amount of storage space and how much they can afford



Cutting Drugs

You can use an ingredient to cut some drugs, which will increase their amount but decrease their strength. This will then have effect on some of the effects the drugs have. Only some drugs can be cut, and they can't all be cut with the same dilutants. I won't give you a full breakdown with the numbers as to let you experiment and figure the system out with trial & error. We're looking to expand this ingredient system with more features in the future.


Trap House Furniture

Just a few screenshots to give you inspiration for your living room remodeling:








Also quick update from the mapping team, we're working on redoing the area of the old PD GFU to replace the building with a new area suitable for faction roleplay.


Happy gaming!

  • CJ 1
  • Clap 1
  • Strong 2
  • Love 16


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