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Everything posted by PrayingMantis

  1. Terrible idea to move to the county side. To start country side roleplay is extremely niched and limiting… the mapping endeavor would take forever when they could focus on better scripts and rework this absurd “economy” (its not an economy it’s just ridiculous prices with even an worse source of revenue). Thankfully this idea will never be implemented but if it did I would completely drop this server along with most of the player base. The only time I’ve ever seen anyone I’m near the areas you’re are talking about is when I’m seeing people trucking like me.. Also why make guns harder to access?? That’s one of the perks of this server that they are actually accessible..
  2. Simple, if the target is not actively shooting or is actively making an intent to harm or kill you or someone else then don't shoot. I personally haven't experienced any deathmatch by cops yet on this server, but I have experienced cops riding through residential areas of gang infested neighborhoods. Some fear should be shown from cops rolling down Jamestown Projects, Grove, Chamberlain, Brogue, or where gangs are known to "post up" at, by themselves or without any form of planning previously developed. Not to say they never do mind you.
  3. Should be an IC issue but people gotta know that most forms of gambling in California is illegal… I think they allow card rooms, but I don’t see this as taking away from legal roleplayers or “most people” since you can just ask around icly to see who runs gambling dens or houses.. could help facilitate natural engagements of legal or semi legal characters with primary illegal characters.
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