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Everything posted by Kev

  1. I think we need to stop trying to save this server and its current management. From when they decided that these forums were the best to rebrand with I knew we were cooked. Since relaunch we've been shown time and time again that the samp server was never the main focus. The fact they are still "thinking about what to do" with a 0 player server is honestly laughable. Nobody wants to play that shit or they would be already, shut it and focus on what's left of SAMP. The quality of roleplayers within the staff team is ridiculously low and some of these people used their authority positions to OK (and say no to) things that killed off the server in less than half a year. The problem with management is they never learned the basic concept that the server will not go forward until they listen to the concerns of the majority segment of the server - illegal roleplayers - and deliver features to enhance their experience. God knows how long we've been asking for basic features such as a drug cutting script and what we got was a half-assed "here you go now stop asking damn" /cutdrug command. The agents are bought from a 24/7 and all give the same values lmfaooo. They don't put any thought into anything illegal, but can push forward the forbidden alien event a month because its more important than script additions. Unfortunately we aren't in the glory days of LSRP anymore and nobody still playing is going to adopt this mindset bro. Tried to promote this with the ROE, the community feedback was that it was too strict and people are supposed to have fun. We've now changed it and there has barely been any reception back from the community. I would like to ask management why they didn't approach this relaunch with the mentality of: "Wow, the amount of people coming back is insane. We could see a maxed out server for relaunch. We should do everything in our power to ensure that people stay playing, we don't know how long this is going to last. We might as well make it count." Instead, we had lead admins gatekeeping faction complexes from FTC, it took a 200 player decline before my suggestion about giving factions a free property in their area was implemented (when I was originally told no while the server was hitting around 450), no noteworthy script additions or updates, nothing. The server can't be saved because it's clear management doesn't care and has never cared. They only want to change things when the server declines, if we were still hitting 400 players a night we would have got no (relevant) updates.
  2. Mike’s hairline ageing like fine wine
  3. This is what peak male performance looks like.
  4. Locking this temporarily, message me.
  5. i missed mustang mikey and his razor sharp hairline
  6. Clack will make a new song in honour of this memorable day ‘.
  7. It's very situational, especially with factions (both legal and illegal). I agree with your first point. LEOs going John Wick on an armed 4 door should be forced to CK if they die. And the same should apply vice versa if you're alone and you try to shoot it out with a large group of LEOs by yourself instead of roleplaying the scenario out. In some of the gang factions I was leading we made sure that if we had a long lasting rivalry with another gang which escalated to a war, we would always reach out and try to promote CKs for members from both sides that were willing to CK. It should be something that is mutually agreed on rather than forced. It gives gangs actual "dead homies" in character and opens a lot of different roleplay opportunities. Making it mandatory to CK if someone you have a long lasting beef with kills you would only cause more problems than good roleplay. I've seen and been in enough of these wars to know how sour it can turn when somebody dies to a poorly roleplayed hit or a hit where rules were broken, just so they can win the war and post their death screenshots. I'm pretty sure it's established that if you get executed by your faction you CK. That's why you take their CK permissions before allowing them into your faction.
  8. Kev


    finished last season immo 1, back to the grind 🏃‍♂️ Kev#KAG if anyone wants to add, eu servers
  9. Kev


    hi dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
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