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Posts posted by F0r3v3r

  1. On 10/11/2021 at 7:45 PM, zalenac said:

    If you enjoyed Squid Game, you’ll probably like Alice in Borderland more. 

    Sadly no. IT bored me out second episode. It really wasn't what I expected tbh. Same genre movie but it sort of died out for me. Sure there're a lot of variety of games and a nice plot where people can actually leave the world by collecting the cards, but it really bored me once I found the plot twist and how it works. Really showed me off from cheering for any characters whatsoever.


    Though, squid game was phenomenal for me. I dug into it more and more time by time and watched a good lot of the conspiracy videos and found what I had initially missed. Made a major mistake watching it dubbed in English, so never going to do that again. In fact I watched most of the Alice in Borderland in original Japanese (I think) dubbing and it was a lot better. Might go for a re-watch for Squid Game too.

  2. Always watching and sometimes betting on majors. Dabble with smaller tournaments, especially if MOUZ is playing. Just that really. Used to watch Worlds etc but I fell out with CSGO. I occasionally watch pro player's solo streams as well, like s1mple and some others, but rarely. 

  3. There's not much to add to this beside mentioning it clearly is not one man's job to take down a completely legal org that controls over a multi-million or even billion industry as Rockstar Games, though, some things are clearly a bit frustrating.


    Taking into consideration Silentpatch etc are extremely fine and GOOD modifications, as they've been adjusted for a long time to fit servers and to fit people's liking, so, removing that or sueing someone for causing a greater experience is absurd, though reasoned as it technically benefits someone for free that is not the aim of Rockstar nor T2. I feel like minimalistic mods are fine. They're NOT getting you sued. A skin, weapon etc mod is OK to make, unless it ACTUALLY benefits someone too much and creates a unsafe environment (like modding a pistol into a minigun). Though I feel like the sueing in question was for making a game that was supposed to NOT be free to play free to play and also make it easier to mod the game to a liking (hence also create zero need to actually hustle or try to achieve anything). I think that's the approach T2 took on that particular case. 


    Modding helped us through a lot during SAMP days. Displaying unique characters in a old video game is something many people were fond of, with new modders creating new things (ASI Modloader, CodsworthMP etc) to make it EASIER to mod skins etcetera. Yes, CodsMP gave lots of other benefits like a unique friends system from what I can re-call and some other thnigs, but it was nothing gamebreaking nor something that made it easier to play. This is almost like saying RageMP is a bad thing and should be prohibited because it's "modded". Though I see this case you mentioned be one that gave an unfair advantange to those not trying to buy the game, enabling them to download it on a well respected modding site (afaik, it was uploaded on GTA Underground). That taken into account, any casual modder is not really affected other than living in fear that they might be next, which is a very low chance anyway, but everyone should know their limits. Sure, modding a game to LITERALLY be completed in one button click is too much, but adding a few clothing items or whatever is DEFINITELY not bad. 


    And also, hell no. The game will not prohibit mapping, modding etc because GTA W does it already. It allows unique models to be put into the game, mapped and so on. It does not prohibit simplistic things that make the game better for your eye, like ENBs, colormods etc, it just prohobits making it F2P and MAKING IT SUPER EASY.


    I don't know if I got the right take on this, I'm not a modder but hopefully I did catch some of what you wrote, Biskit.

  4. On 11/19/2021 at 2:08 AM, bobster said:

    The Maravillains as well!!


    Definitely some of my favourite times on LS-RP were interacting with you guys, and probably most of those people even in these screenshots. Monica Miramontes, Bianca Valdez & plenty more also contributed to those great times. 2016 was a great time for illegal roleplay!



    Wonder what Monica is up to but I heard from Tw1ster some time ago when I spotted him joining GTA W and spoke to him for a bit. God, many amazing names though. The highlight was when Gus made that picture with all the members etc on it, pics of them. That was such a nice thing to look back at, hope the forums will pop back and we'll be able to memorize of it again. Though the Maravilla riot was one thing that I literally loved the most. I had a baton and literally beat up a cop in an alleyway. It was funny.

  5. Old forums will be enabled on read-only to just look back at the memories someday. They want to though get the main dev core of the server done first and some of the main features in the game before they work on the old forums. Welcome back though.

  6. Knowing the staff team stays the same, I'm positive the actual illegal scene won't be as biased as it was through my experience in GTA W. It was horrible how certain admins attempted to solve situations they had EXACTLY 0 idea about. Certain aspects of this type of approach completely iced my respect at most of the staff team minus a few who were still professional and able to do their jobs correctly. I faced a few situations where certain administrators were extremely fond to help me out and provide me with knowledge about how the server's systems exactly operate, but also some who were extremely arrogant when I or my friends explained our side of the story. I can only bring an example of how s**t the robbery RP was there. You could have a perfectly planned robbery on an individual standing in an alleyway, but if they call an admin, it's voided because of one single typo or mistake you made. In LSRP, these tiny mistakes were occasionally let off and with certain admins in GTA W, it also happened. I stumbled across a lone biker somewhere in Burton, in a hidden alleyway (parked up there, it didn't show like they were AFK either as they were typing), who I then asked to resume RP once they came back. Their response was to call an biased cop admin, who instantly voided the scene without hearing my side. Next similar scene I found myself in an apartment, which I entered because I wanted to rob an resident whose car I found outside. I walked in, found two people and certainly enough, I was called an admin on. It happened to be that the person I was robbing was an admin, but as soon as they heard my side, they let the other admin go and went on to go ahead with the RP. Though I lost the situation, it was a fair display of how the admin team goes wall to wall in their staff roster.


    In GTA W, I've had only a few incidents, but they were mostly the ones I was at fault at. I can't recall any particular, but I used to do a lot of the robbing role-play during when I did plenty of gang RP and I had run ins with administrators. Being robbed or being the robber, the stakes are the same. One mistake from either side and the situation evolves. Any time this occurred, admins had to be involved because of potential rulebreaking and I can not recall one time I was face to face with an admin with ZERO illegal RP knowledge. I know it's just an example, but it's kind of hard to tolerate people who obstruct role-play just because someone could get hurt OOCly from being robbed. 


    Going to the main point, the Illegal community will be better in LSRP for numerous reasons, one being that the actual faction team is much bigger. in GTA W, I can count the people in the FM team, that're actually doing shit, on two hands, but in LSRP there're at least 20+ people that're doing their bit to make the role-play aroung OCGs, gangs and LEO factions better. There is a wide diversity of experience within the team, which GTA W definitely lacked. I have to mention, though, that the Illegal community DOES actually carry the most, or at least majority of the importance in terms of factions. I seclude civilians, because they do not tend to play such as massive role in factions RP, compared to LEO factions and other factions. The illegal community has in my opinion been the one to feed people role-play. It's a very bold statement, but it has been like that for a long time. LEO factions have done a lot to counter it, by having a well constructed Traffic Department doing all the traffic checks, their ES occasionally hosting events for Civilians and others to come and enjoy. But what I want to reach is the fact that Illegal factions create plenty more of these events. Yes, they're occasionally ruined by trolls, but looking at the effort people put into it, the general weigh is on the illegal faction's side. Yes, the main thing is that there are way more illegal factions, but at the same time most of them do not reach the membership of PD or SD. The thing that matters more is the pure fact that if these factions ally, come together or whatever, they will create a larger group and in events, the more people there are, the more people value it or rate it better, even if there are clinical errors within it. This especially applies to Civ RPers, but there're plenty of fresh gang RPers or even oldheads who would rather see a lot of people at their organized event than actual "Perfect" quality within the people there.


    I'm more than sure that micromanaging has definitely decreased in LSRP over the past few years, so players do have the freedom to make most of the decisions in general. They only need help from administrators to be able to execute certain things that do need supervision etc etc. It's just a common thing that people do not think they have enough power in their hands, but in the end they realized (or don't...) that they were the ones demanding too much. You have to have a reasonable barrier between what people can do and what people can not do, avoiding making it too complex in order to MINIMALIZE micromanaging. 


    I know it's a lot to take in at once, but I hope I added some value into the conversation in here in general.

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