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Los Santos Roleplay

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Everything posted by Los Santos Roleplay

  1. FACTION TURF GUIDELINES Turf map marks the territory of an area controlled by factions of LS:RP. It is designed to regulate the claims and usage of turf in order to minimize OOC conflicts. Submitting the request does not guarantee an approval. Turf justification outside of Los Santos city will be treated the same as if they are in the city. This means that no faction will be able to claim the entire town/city they reside on. Note that you do not need a marked turf to operate REQUIREMENTS Before applying for turf, please ensure you meet the below requirements. Faction must be active/exists for 2 weeks before submitting a turf claim to the faction management Faction must be active in the area it wishes to claim The member count must justify the size of the claim Not been denied turf in the last 7 days. APPLICATION Please send the below application to @Helius, @badhbh & @Spanion
  2. FACTION ADVANCEMENT Official status is decided and given by the Faction Team, it is a slow and delicate process. Official status means your faction is chosen to represent LS:RP server and to be a role model for the general community. This status comes with extra perks and responsibility. Below are some of the things that are considered for official faction; Leadership and cooperation. Strong and active leadership means stability and organization. Leadership is responsible for everything concerning their faction. Communication and cooperation between the leadership and the faction management are extremely important. Active member base and sustainability. Prove to be stable and active over time. To be considered as an active a faction must have at least 5 to 10 active members by average. The faction management needs to be able to see that a faction has it in them to stay active and consistent. Faction environment, realism, and progression. Create and provide an environment that is enjoyable for everybody to see and be around with. Be realistic to a degree, unique, and simply make sense within the world of San Andreas. Build a faction that sparks interest for it's progression. LS:RP rules, faction rules, and common sense. The ability to follow all of the rules are expected. An official faction needs to be able to set an example for the general community to look up to. Always be observant of any changes concerning factions and the server's limitations. UNOFFICIAL FACTION → VERIFIED FACTION Before applying to become a verified faction, please ensure you meet the below requirements: Must have been an unofficial faction for at least 3 months. No faction strikes in the last 3-months. At least 5 active members. VERIFIED FACTION → OFFICIAL FACTION You do not need to apply to become an official faction if you are verified. You will be considered for official status after a minimum of 3-months as a verified faction. There are a number of contributing factors whether a faction will be given official or not and there's no guarantee you will / will not receive official after 3 months. APPLICATION Please send the below application to a member of Faction Team Council.
  3. The Modding Team has been hard at work gathering, modifying and creating new mods to be used in the server. We're at a point where we have covered most of the self-explanatory needed mods, so that we are now looking for public feedback to decide which mods to next implement. We are more than open to community feedback and input, since it is ultimately the community that will be using the mods that we implement. Please use this topic to suggest any mods that you would like to see implemented. I will refrain from making this long-winded, but please keep the following points in mind when suggesting: Suggesting more basic clothing? Then we can likely find a model ourselves and we are mostly interested in the design (texture) you want us to implement. For pretty much all other requests, please find a model (and texture) that we can use (usually from a website like https://www.gta5-mods.com/ - search for MP (Male/Female) mods). It is sadly unworkable to create new assets for every request, but implementing and adjusting existing models/textures is a lot more do-able in the short-term. We can create static assets given the limited time needed to create them. Read the text below for more info. We'll be using this topic to monitor what the community wants and choose the mods that we believe are suited for the server. The Modding Team is not here to decide how people should roleplay, so we'll be only judging mod requests by viability and general realism standards. General categories to suggest mods for (may be expanded) Clothing (tops, bottoms, shoes, hats, jewelry etc) Vehicles Weapons Static assets (read below) Since static assets are easier to make and therefore takes less time, we will take requests for static assets to be created. The custom JBL speaker object is an example of the Modding Team creating static assets on demand. Feel free to suggest assets that you think will be useful to the server as a whole, no limits besides that really. Feel free to contact me (Mario) for questions about the suggestion process.
  4. How To Join Discord We use a Discord server as our community hub: https://discordapp.com. Discord is mandatory for our staff members. https://discord.gg/ls-rp * Any Discord server not listed here is not owned or supported by the Los Santos Roleplay team.
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