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Everything posted by Mario

  1. I understand the desire to expand the map to accomodate more illegal roleplay, however I feel it is a bit premature to think about adding new gang-oriented neighbourhoods when we haven't even filled up the current neighbourhoods yet. South Central is an excellent place to roleplay and it makes sense to make it a dense and populated area where people can roleplay with each other in a more natural setting rather than spreading factions out so they have to drive across the map to find another faction to interact with. In the short term this would also go against the idea of keeping the scripted map dense so it's a bit more busy. I haven't specifically looked into the map mods listed in the topic but any gang hood that we add means we're removing a default area with a different setting. This in turn reduces the roleplay capabilities for non-gang roleplayers. Obviously there's room for expansion down the line but keep in mind that we're on a limited map and we'll have to sacrifice areas to add more gang neighbourhoods. On that note, before we add any new neighbourhoods in the future, our focus will be on customizing existing neighbourhoods to cater to those players already roleplaying there. I would personally rather have limited hoods that are well developed rather than having many hoods that lack depth in terms of map content.
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