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Everything posted by Zachh

  1. Yup, this is what I suggested on the original server a few times, never really gathered interest though. Server needs real money sinks, if you're going to own sports cars, jets and mansions you better be paying a shit ton in taxes, insurance, bills, etc. to the point where it's like good luck making enough money to keep up with all of those costs. I don't think anyone wants to see police officers, gang members driving around in lambos anymore, they need a real way they're getting that money. The gang member is going to need to be a famous rapper or something.
  2. - More realism - Bigger population, hopefully a more dense city with traffic rather than open roads with people driving around at max speed drifting - More activities and scriptwise features, sure it's roleplay but being able to do more physical things and see them is pretty cool
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