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Posts posted by Xanakin

  1. 19 hours ago, Kwalski said:

    Make food intake necessary for characters to make it realistic and would also grow opportunities for Restaurants to roleplay.

    We already had that on SAMP and that was removed further down the line for a reason, we're here to create a realistic roleplay server that is both fun to play and isn't a whole MMO/RPG at the same time.
    If people roleplay their characters having lives they would obviously also go out for dinner RP wise, let that be a restaurant or a simple snack from a 24/7.

  2. I'll be locking this topic to avoid a pointless discussion as mentioned above.
    If you come across people not roleplaying fear, report them either in-game or on the forums.
    As Duckling mentioned it is, and has been, part of our set of rules for ages by now.

  3. 21 hours ago, MZeded said:

    I would love to see fast food restaurants, mobile food delivery businesses like doordash, Electronics stores and hobby stores.


    14 hours ago, Natasha Valentine said:

    Nice enterable dealerships with vehicles displayed, furnished. Food trucks, nice looking clubs/outdoor raves, fight clubs, phone stores, bike shop, art gallery, bars, movie theaters etc.


    7 hours ago, Rising Dust said:

    Auto Garage, Underground Dealership.


    6 hours ago, Duckling said:

    More food/drink related businesses with actual workers there. Restaurants, bakeries, bars, caffes, etc.


    3 hours ago, Cofii said:

    Coffee bars or some usual things that you can see everywhere in real life.


    2 hours ago, tokyos067 said:

    active churches maybe. something i havent seen much in servers


    These things so far all depend on player incentive - meaning that others in the community have to be willing to roleplay these things, so when it comes to those things it's something that is in the community their hands.
    The main idea of this thread is to see what we as a staff team can possibly provide scriptwise that isn't common/thought of that fast.


    1 hour ago, GachoRule said:

    Go karts ect? If it's possible in gta 5 

    Shouldn't be a too hard if GTA 5 itself has go kart models in the game, which there are - a matter of the development team/property team providing those to applicable businesses.


    6 hours ago, dimes said:

    Private banks.

    Most likely won't happen as this time around we want to keep a close eye on the economy.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Duckling said:

    Per MMartin. Los Santos is the replacement for Los Angeles. LA should not be role played as a place on LSRP. So Los Santos is Los Angeles.


    Same goes for California as a state.

    California = San Andreas
    Los Angeles = Los Santos

    This. Locking this thread as this was answered.

  5. Illegal or legal roleplay, businesses will impact both scenes of roleplay.
    What type of businesses would you wish to see in the server, what do you think should be improved upon?
    Do you currently have given starting a business any form of thought already, or even created a whole idea for it?

  6. On 10/1/2021 at 7:32 PM, MZeded said:

    I also wanna see less nightclub roleplay and more variety of business roleplay.

    This all depends on the community itself - the only reason nightclubs thrived was because of the amount of people it would attract due to the lack of other business even bothering to properly execute a opening, especially in the late stages of the SAMP server.
    A nightclub scene won't be active if the community doesn't attend, just like any other business type/industry.

    I personally find gang RP in general boring/overrated, it became stale for myself since it started to feel like every faction was the same with just a different jacket on; same concept just different background.
    When it comes to underrated RP, I would like to applaud the people that roleplay solo characters that aren't directly involved with factions, but do have ties with them - them doing their own thing, maybe a small clique even, instead of being part of a larger group.

  7. The super rare vehicles should be like their name; super rare.
    Making them priced way too much so it's e going to take Jeff Bezos type of wealth to purchase, making it actually rare.
    When it comes to regular sports vehicles and so on, it would depend on the specific brand and model - not all sports vehicles are mad expensive IRL.

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