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Posts posted by Xanakin

  1. On 4/30/2024 at 9:39 PM, izumi said:

    welcome back

    ty sirski

    8 hours ago, 1x1 said:

    Saw your topic. Do you enjoy bass music or just a character without any drawn inspiration? 

    anything with a thumping bass = good

    7 hours ago, Caleb410 said:

    Can I have a xan?

    taxing peak samp prices hope u got ur bag up

  2. On 6/25/2023 at 3:30 PM, NickNewman said:

    You choose me to join a street gang, I've joined, we got raided by tanks, we haven't spoke since then, I had great time! 



    On 6/21/2023 at 4:12 PM, Nyheim said:

    I take it back



    On 6/25/2023 at 6:57 PM, Anthonyg97 said:

    lotta memories and memeries with this one.


    • Bigsmoke 1
  3. On 3/30/2023 at 11:32 PM, axez said:

    5 bucks for feet pics in  your DMs.


    On 3/31/2023 at 3:34 PM, Gazura said:

    I'll give 10 for feet pics

    yall must be off something


    On 3/30/2023 at 7:43 AM, zalenac said:

    we made it

    bound to happen!!!

  4. On 6/3/2022 at 12:10 AM, Apophis said:

    If you would spare me just a moment of your time, I'd ask you to really think about what made LS:RP what it was. What is it you loved, what made it fun, what kept you coming back for more? If I could dare to get even more abstract: what was LS:RP? 


    LS-RP used to be my place to out my creativity, whether through character developing roleplay or simply practicing a hobby through that character (DJ'ing in my case).

    The people I met and started to see as friends were the reason I kept coming back, especially later in my ''roleplay career'' when I started to take roleplay in general more serious and started to actually care about character development.

    Scenarios started to become more fun instead of the ''younger perspective'' of me back then that just wanted to shoot 24/7, passive roleplay like going to a nightclub, restaurant etc. started to become meaningful compared to them being seen as a money drain back then.

    Also not to mention the fact that stuff we learned through roleplaying was sometimes useful in real life as well, all because the server aimed for a realistic approach to the in-game universe. For example, thanks to the aforementioned hobby I landed myself IRL gigs, even to this day. I'm sure that specifically PD/SD/FD roleplayers could name an example of this too.


    In regards of the other comments, I agree with a good portion on here.

    Like others I've spent numerous hours (too many even) being part of this community.

    Staff or not, at the end of the day everyone wants to see the server being released.

    Voicing your frustration is good, however flaming isn't the way to do that.  Like myself I've been voicing mine for more transparency at day one after passing my TA (Test-Admin) period.

    I agree that something could've been said on his end, however like yourselves I do not know the details as to why but I'm sure it had to be serious not to be mentioned just yet, hopefully tomorrow's meeting will shed more light to that.

  5. 16 hours ago, yekim said:


    ngl players not knowing the difference between live mixing and a YT playlist sounds like a you issue. punishing them by restricting access to a popular feature just so you can rp a DJ better is selfish as fuck


    sanitize inputs properly and give players a quick-client side toggle to mute stations. other communities do this just fine and if a beloved server with dozens of admins and testers cant find the time to teleport to someone playing explicit content, listen for 5 second, ban them and then leave then idk lol


    the most obvious solution is to just have a place on the UCP you can upload custom streams to and have testers/admins/or even a selection of hand picked players hop on to accept/verify which i think is whats gonna happen anyways

    I can tell you haven't played on the SAMP server or at least never bothered with XMR stations.

    We've had a system on SAMP where people could play their own streams through an XM station (/setstation).
    All they had to do was create their own server host with an auto DJ, free and paid variants are available matter of searching, and then requesting the XM stream to be added in-game; all players could do this.


    You also never seen the amount of reports coming in, ranging from simple requests to serious situations such as Deathmatching; last thing we want to do is waste time and effort on someone playing explicit noises from a radio.

    Your suggestion is just like we had on SAMP, something that still is in place, however handled through the Forums back then. 

    Do your research before you start calling people ''selfish as fuck''.

  6. On 3/18/2022 at 5:47 AM, Natasha Valentine said:


    I mean, anyone can literally turn into a "DJ" irl, you go to youtube and play it for several people or yourself. Also regarding administrators that can't police 24/7, that's why there's the forums if necessary and I doubt it'd happen 24/7 to begin with, but you might get the odd one that does it unfortunately same with mass dming, pking and any other server rule in existence.


    An idea: 


    - You could let any player use url's but through /setstation on vehicles only that way friends can enjoy music together that they'd like to listen to while cruising around, that way it's limited to the usage for casual players and can't disrupt on a large scale with any sort of malicious content. 


    - Players could put in applications and or be apart of a company/business to be given permissions to use url links on boombox's that way it's more so heavily controlled then just giving it to everyone and the permission can be easily taken away. 


    ^ This sounds completely reasonable and doable. - I will paste this to the top of this conversation for new readers.

    Playing a random playlist off YouTube isn't DJ'ing; even if you use software to stream it you're just basically ripping someone else their mix.
    Sadly most players doesn't see that what we for example did on SAMP was actually manually done, live on the spot.
    You'd also be surprised how easy and often something easy to abuse will be taken advantage of, we as an admin team don't want to spend time handling reports regarding players playing explicit noises etc. while we could've invested time and effort into something else.


    Music can be heard from outside of vehicles, at least in the current test build - including custom streams. Meaning all it takes is 1 vehicle stationed playing disturbing noises.

    I'm indeed more a fan of being able to control what group/faction gets a perk of some sorts, so they'd be able to play a certain link to their stream etc. - however that can be requested by anyone already, just to get their XMR stations added in-game just like we had on SAMP.

    • Strong 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Orbit_ said:

    If permitted, can we know what the Hud tab in the player settings is regarding?

    Like any other game with a HUD you can disable displayed health, money etc. one by one or all of them entirely - customize how YOU want it. At least that's what we got going on the test server right now.

  8. The main thing is that anyone can turn into a ''DJ'' at that point, which can be rather annoying for those actually putting in the time and effort to properly roleplay it out, where others just do it for a quick cash grab.
    Not to mention what Nova said, people could end up playing nonsense whenever they want - keep in mind we're talking most likely large numbers of players online even, so we cannot play the roleplay police 24/7 as admins.

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