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Scenario Scheme - Carson Mafia Gangster Bloods


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In Game Name: Jabari Hall

Faction Name: Carson Mafia Bloods

Faction Thread Link: https://community.ls-rp.com/forums/topic/519-carson-mafia-gangster-bloods/

What type of organization is your faction? (organized crime, street gang, drug trafficking organization etc.): Street Gang

Provide a list of participating faction members (put the person that is organising it first): Justus Vaughn, Jabari Hall, Marcel Adams and Keyarra Fletcher

Describe your scenario and your plan: Banham Canyon 24/7.

A store robbery in a mid-high end area where the mentioned individuals plan to hit with guns. The cash register and anything else of worth will be their man target and achievement out of the whole robbery.

While Keyarra handles her role as the getaway driver, Justus, Jabari, and Marcel will perform the whole movement. They will sneak in near to the wall so they won't be seen on the CCTV when she drops the group off in the parking lot, which is not being watched by cameras.

Jabari will be watching the door and the cashier, while Justus will cover the office and the backdoor. Marcel will be in charge of the cashier. When the trio found the safe, they would force the owner to unlock it for them and immediately take off in Keyarra's automobile after looting the money and whatever is found inside of it.

Are you requesting money or items? (and if it's items, please state what items you would want to acquire): Money.

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Scheme request accepted,


You will get a short-term response time of 1.5 minutes after the weapons have been drawn, time after which the police has to be called and informed of what's going on. Be sure to take screenshots of the whole scenario with a timestamp and post it here after it's done. 


Your reward is set at $4,000.


Good luck!

Edited by almightybounter
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We requested Kendrick to play the cashier, and he did so; he also contacted the cops the second we left, and they're currently investigating everything!


Edited by Draxxler
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