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  1. Hello community, Yet another roleplaying screenshots guide, this one without the need of photoshop or any complicated shenegians. We're using LSRP+ and I've found this to be the quickest for me. Step 1: Get your hands on some screenshotting software. I use BandiCam, and from what I understand a lot of people use ShareX. You can look into these two to begin with, or just find your own. Step 2: Get your hands on LSRP+ Step 3: Get In-Game, take your screenshots. Don't forget to click F7 in order to hide the UI and subsequently take clean screenies. Please note that you need your screenshots to be saved in PNG format in order for LSRP+ to be able to use them. Step 4: Head into the UCP, take your chatlogs. Please note that there's no need to download your chatlog. You can simply copy and paste the text into LSRP+ (more on that later) from the browser UI. You can also use CTRL+F in your browser to search for whatever speech/emotes you are looking for exactly. Also sharing screenies for some recommended settings. Step 5: Boot up LSRP+ and actually make your screenies. 1) Continue as Guest, because LSRP+ is ancient and I'm pretty sure it no longer supports accounts or whatever. 2) Go to the Screenshot Editor (you can look around the other options later, some are outdated for SA:MP LSRP) 3) Go to Edit Screenshots (Stich Screenshots is when you have several ready screenshots and want to stich them into one big image together) 4) Load up the blank screenshot (MUST BE PNG) that you have taken with BandiCam, ShareX or whatever you have. 5) Now that your screenshot is loaded, you can play with it by: - Expanding LSRP+ window (edge/corner drag with your mouse) to modify the size of the screenshot. - Mouse hold + drag on the image itself to get some cool angles (like cropping) - You can also click image size to modify the size of the original image that you have loaded. You will probably revisit this later, once you have added your chat, in order to make it all look better. 6) Go to the Set Chat (you can also take a peek at Chat Settings) of the Editor as highlighted above. - Swap between your loaded UCP Chatlog and the Set Chat pop-up box for some good old copy pasting. - After you're done, just click save. - Note that it colours the chat/emotes automatically, you don't have to deal with that shit. 7) Re-visit 5) to make the thing look good, then Export. Step 6: Upload somewhere (I recommend IMGUR) and then post it on the forums. That's it.
  2. Hello community, I'm sharing with you all some internal documentation that I've done for The Pit Stop to make life on both our bartenders and customers easier. I hope at least someone will find some use in this. General Guidelines Usage of Commands: Utilize the commands /ame, /melow, and /dolow exclusively. Avoid spamming the entire venue and its occupants when serving a single person a beer. Use /melow and /dolow for direct customer interactions. In all other cases, refer to /ame. Example: /ame turns to the fridge and retrieves a beer for Wrynn. (The preparation action is included under /ame to avoid excessive messages at the bar) /melow serves Michael Wrynn his beer. (Order serving is managed through /melow and /dolow to make sure that the customer can actually see and acknowledge their drink being served as it can be missed via an /ame) Roleplaying Efficiency: While we appreciate your attention to detail as skilled role players, it is necessary to prioritize speed and brevity in this setting. We aim to avoid situations where multiple individuals wait at the bar for extended periods due to lengthy descriptions of serving one person a beer. Please be quick and concise. Save elaborate details for other scenarios. Uncertain Orders: As we understand that not all bartenders are professionals in real life, it is acceptable to be brief when unsure about an order. For instance, if you receive an order for a cocktail that you are unfamiliar with or unsure how to prepare out-of-character (OOCly), a simple response suffices. Example: /ame prepares Wrynn's cocktail. < No further explanation is necessary. Please note that it is considered good practice to still get yourself familiar with some basic mixology. Feel free to use this Cocktails Master Recipe List (thanks .skier). Script Usage Serving Drinks: /servedrink [playername or ID] [glass/plastic cup/bottle] of [drink name] Drink names: Beer, Vodka, Tequilla, Whiskey, Brandy, Bourbon, Single Malt Scotch, Cognac, Rum, Champagne, Vintage Champagne, Red Wine, White Wine Beer is only available as a "Bottle". Vodka is only available as "Plastic Cup" and Bottle. Everything else is available as "Glass" and "Bottle". This is case sensitive. For instance /servedrink ID Plastic Cup of Vodka Please note that you can enable the "Plastic Cup" option for other beverages as well, I just have it disabled for the Pit Stop as you can see above in order to make life easier for both bartenders and customers a-like. Other Orders/Notes (Food & Tobacco): There are scripted-in food and tobacco (if your business has permits to sell those). You can see all the things we offer in that department by using /buy in the interior. You can roleplay this as a menu to give out to customers. It has items, pictures, prices and everything. You just role play preparing and serving the item. They /buy it. Use /pos ID for orders that aren't existing script wise items. When in the pos menu, payment description should be "The Pit Stop". Select tax set to 7% sales tax. Item Name, Quantity and Price is for you to enter situationally. Don't use /pos for cocktails, use /servedrink for the primary alcohol of the cocktail. Like scriptwise vodka for a bloody mary. Use /pos only if you are unsure what the primary is. Don't ask customers to pay manually, the scripts charges them automatically. They can pay via both cash or card. ------------- Once again, I hope someone finds this useful. Cheers.
  3. Approaching an illegal faction is a common issue that most roleplayers face, so I'll try to explain a few possibilities I've learnt about during my time as a roleplayer. Some ways are hard to pull while others are easy, some are creative and unique, while some are common. How you get involved depends a lot on who you are trying to portray and approach, so keep in mind that if you do the wrong action at the wrong time to/with the wrong guy, you'll find yourself in a position that is hard to come back from. The same goes with the right action at the right moment to/with the right guy. It can benefit you, or it can ruin your chances forever. What matters most is to keep true to your character and its personality because nobody likes to see people roleplaying one character today and another tomorrow. Don't be a robot. One thing I've noticed is that most of the new characters get help from certain factions either by acquiring a role they didn't earn via their own development or by having their newly created persona already know an insider, thus kickstarting their roleplay within the project. While this isn't against the rules, in most cases it might be a mistake for the future of said faction because it takes away the chance for the possible member to undergo a real recruitment process based on his own efforts and creativity, so it creates a player who needs to be spoon-fed roleplay instead, because that's what he got used to from the beginning of his time within the organization. Of course, there are exceptions, people who have been in said faction before, people who are known by the leadership to be capable roleplayers, etc, but I'll mostly be talking about new roleplayers joining an existing faction they've never been in before. That being said, here are a few ways a new character can get within the ranks of an organized crime group: Normally, a mob has a variety of legal façades open for business which your character can approach and find or create roleplay at. No matter if it's a bar, a gym or a trucking company, all venues can provide a way in for the people that are interested in joining the faction. For example, a bar/café will provide the best environment for building friendships with the other members by sharing a drink, a story, or even by playing a game of pool. The gym offers your character a way to improve its body, the possibility to watch, comment and bet on boxing matches or even the chance to become one of the fighters, thus getting the recognition of the insiders if they feel like they can use you or work with you. The companies allow having a stable job for characters that need it, but they don't offer a clear path inside the mob, so you'll have to figure one out by yourself depending on the roleplay that occurs, the chances that are presented to you and the purpose of the firm your character works for. When considering most legal fronts, it's also possible to ask for a job from the get-go, but that (in my opinion) is a tricky and recycled way of approaching because, realistically, the insiders won't just go to their legal employees to ask them to commit crimes without proper reasoning behind, so make sure you trickle in motives for them to consider you for extra jobs. There is a big variety of businesses that a faction can open for the public that new characters can take advantage of, so make sure you figure out a realistic way to benefit from the chances presented to you by them. For the most part, the mob acts like a pyramid scheme, where you start from the lower levels and try to climb your way up the ladder for financial gains and for the power attained from being up in the hierarchy. That being said, it's unlikely that somebody from the higher ranks will accept sharing more than two words with a new character that they don't know when it comes to business, so what you can do to get them interested in you is run gigs on your own. Being self-sufficient and creative in your roleplay gives you a good and well-developed way into the faction and it will surely serve you better in the long run rather than relying on others to give your character stuff to do. You can take the legal route and roleplay running a company or owning/leasing a place, or the illegal way where you can have your character do petty misdemeanors or white-collar crimes. It's always a good thing to showcase your illegal activity to the right characters at the right time because people aren't just inducted into a life of crime out of nowhere. The mob will rather approach people who are already involved in crime or have a firm they can work with/exploit rather than your ordinary civilians that work 9 to 5s. One important aspect to remember is that your character should behave the way he would behave towards people he doesn't know no matter the rank they posses until they are told otherwise IC, so keep any knowledge gathered via OOC means away from your roleplay. Don't act a different way with a character just because you've seen on the forums that he is a high-ranker, the insiders are quick to notice this and it will not help you getting in quicker. A thing I don't recommend for fresh characters to do from the start is the drug/weaponry dealing because, for the most part, it's a boring and overdone idea that is usually rushed and conducted in a poorly and unrealistic manner, so consider exploiting other venues of roleplay instead and do your research well. The organized crime groups make a lot of their money by exploiting other people, their addictions, their mistakes and their businesses, so with that in mind, another way of approaching arises. A character that has issues, especially monetary ones, may be a target for the mob, so the chances for an involved member to find his way into the middle of their problems by offering assistance aren't slim at all. For example, let's say that your character has a difficult situation at home and is desperate for money, but at the same time he's an avid gambler who can't seem to get enough of the vice, so he needs to find a way to get more money than he earns from his job. This scenario creates the space needed for a mobster to step in and offer his "help", thus putting your character in direct contact with an insider. It's a toss of a coin and it's a case by case scenario because certain people will just laugh at your character's problems, while others will seize the opportunity to exploit it by either offering your character jobs to do or a loan. This is hard to pull in a correct and realistic manner and is also very risky because your character will have a hard time getting rid of the problems that are pestering him in order to get back on his feet, so new roleplayers might get overwhelmed by this situation, but it's without a doubt an interesting way to approach and will surely be appreciated by the others.
  4. Hey, This will be short. I want to share with you all a very nice website that speaks about all things GTA-5 cars in great depth. Did you know that neons and exhaust tips significantly affect your car's centre of mass and subsequently it's handling/on-road (indirectly) performance? You do now. Such a resource will probably come as a "thank you, captain obvious" to many, but I'm sure a good bit of people will appreciate it. The website offers, like already suggested, in-depth explanations when it comes to vehicle modifications and how they truly can affect a vehicle. It contains spreadsheets with real-top speeds and literally everything. I take absolutely ZERO credit for this. Just sharing the love. Now and without further to do: https://broughy.com/gta5carupgrades Picture for effect:
  5. San Andreas Street Names & Regions Common usage As Grand Theft Auto V only covers the city of Los Santos and its County region, we should only stick to using the terms of the city of Los Santos and Los Santos County as a placeholder for the city of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County. The State of San Andreas term is therefore a placeholder for the State of California. That means concretely that the terms of Los Angeles and the State of California don´t exist in our universe. That also includes postal codes, street names, neighborhoods, etc. Useful Maps Los Santos Street Names Use the Zoom-In function to have a better look at your desired area. Alternatively you can visit this link: https://postimg.cc/LJFPNHYN San Andreas Neighborhoods Use the Zoom-In function to have a better look at your desired area. Alternatively you can visit this link: https://postimg.cc/Dmm1zp3d San Andreas Atlas Use the Zoom-In function to have a better look at your desired area. Alternatively you can visit this link: https://postimg.cc/YGCYYbG7 San Andreas Satellite Image Use the Zoom-In function to have a better look at your desired area. Alternatively you can visit this link: https://postimg.cc/v1QVw3vn
  6. San Andreas Postal Codes Introduction A postal code (also known locally in various English-speaking countries throughout the world as a postcode, post code, PIN or ZIP Code) is a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail. Common usage As Grand Theft Auto V only covers the city of Los Santos and its County region, we should only stick to using the terms of the city of Los Santos and Los Santos County as a placeholder for the city of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County. The State of San Andreas term is therefore a placeholder for the State of California. That means concretely that the terms of Los Angeles and the State of California don´t exist in our universe. That also includes postal codes. Postal Codes Map Use the Zoom-In function to have a better look at your desired area. Alternatively you can visit this link: https://postimg.cc/zyCBB8cH
  7. Usage of IRL location names and terms Introduction A lot of people don´t understand that the world of Grand Theft Auto V or any other open-world games that are built based on real-life locations is practically a whole new universe. The world of Grand Theft Auto V is based on the real-life State of California, especially Los Angeles. As the developers of Grand Theft Auto V created their universe and named it The State of San Andreas, all players are supposed to stick to the given universe and use only official location names as long as they are In-Character. Common usage As Grand Theft Auto V only covers the city of Los Santos and its County region, we should only stick to using the terms of the city of Los Santos and Los Santos County as a placeholder for the city of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County. The State of San Andreas term is therefore a placeholder for the State of California. That means concretely that the terms of Los Angeles and the State of California don´t exist in our universe. The Grand Theft Auto History The Grand Theft Auto series has mentioned multiple locations over time such as Vice City, Liberty City, San Fierro and Las Venturas. As for now, these locations also doesn´t exist in our universe. Everything that is outside the Grand Theft Auto V universe, is not to be used. Therefore talking about Las Vegas or Miami Beach In-Character is legit. If someone asks your character about Las Venturas, your character would have no idea where or what that should be. Examples of official location names in our universe In-Character In Real Life The State of San Andreas The State of California Los Santos Los Angeles Vinewood (Sign/Bowl) Hollywood (Sign/Bowl) Del Perro Pier Santa Monica Pier Vespucci Beach Venice Beach Los Santos Forum Los Angeles Forum Jefferson Towers Watts Towers Los Santos Storm Drain Los Angeles River The Alamo Sea, AKA Sandy Shores Salton Sea Galileo Observatory Griffith Observatory Marlowe Vineyard Malibu Rocky Oaks Mount Chiliad Mount San Jacinto Conclusion As the universe has its locations and terms, everything that exists in the Grand Theft Auto V game should act as a placeholder, if possible, or as a whole new location that doesn´t have to exists in real life. Only use location names and terms that belong to the universe. That also includes street names, zones, areas, neightborhoods, building names, vehicle names, postal codes, etc. Useful links San Andreas Postal Codes San Andreas Street Names & Regions
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