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Everything posted by alessandroooo

  1. Got invited to the iRacing SPA 24H, had to deny. You guys racing with Ur team there??
  2. my pedal said "fuck it we ball" - https://streamable.com/hbr0rq im kinda disappointed because its been a year i have them but i didnt even use them everyday, spent weeks without even touching them. Cleaned the wires from dust etc, cant fix this bitch
  3. If you are rping a homeless character feel free to join this. There is a discord as well https://discord.gg/uHen3mf6ub
  4. yesterday i asked a lead admin to spawn a few bikes so we could buy them. He told me that i have to wait the bike dealership, asked when is it goonna be live and he said "hopefully friday". i think its friday
  5. I will be totally honest and say that I thought LSRP was a big scam because mmartin wasn't releasing the server and when we had the chance to create our characters with patreon benefits I also thought it was just a way to make us chill and keep donating to the server with the release date in sight (then a year later mmartin released the server). Today I think either development started the day you did let us patreon create our characters and fucking lied to us or you understimated the development on RageMP. Hopefully from now on you will be more transparent with your users. Server scripts are good, I love the phone. Looks modern, feels like a real phone. Gamemode is designed good and with only 2GBs we have kind of a complete server VS the 10+ of gtaw. I really like It. As of today this server has 200 active players and you feel them, you actually see them and you actually interact with them. I have seen some goofy bitching about the 200 players vs 800, although the numbers can be seen as index of quality I have to say that on gtaw you have to wait peak time (with 800 on) to feel the city as alive as LSRP with barely 200. This is a good thing that should be considered by everyone. I hope all the good rpers I have met on that server will come and play here as well. I hope the 1.1 will bring more players to the server and also hope that in future this server won't be a place where you will be banned for your opinion and threatened with legal actions (you still suck my dick french retard) and have your stuff manipulated to make you look like you are a bad person. And doesn't choose profit over quality roleplay.
  6. AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core (12 CPUs) 3.7ghz 32GB RAM at 3600hz Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 12GB
  7. Hi. I thought the same about iRacing but then tried it and bought 1 year. I would say once they drop the sales and sell 1y for 24€ try it out. Seems expensive because you have to buy cars and tracks (not all, Rookie and D licenses have free tracks and cars) as well but if you plan the series you wanna race its gonna be cool. Btw iRacing has just increased their princing overnight. Brazil 40% increase Argentina 400% Mexico I dont remember but they went from 800 pesos to 1000+ Here in Italy seem to be only 5 euro on the yearly sub (120 to 125).
  8. quit the game a few weeks ago. wow is beautiful but there is a lot of grind behind it.
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