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Dos Santos

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Posts posted by Dos Santos

  1. 20 minutes ago, Flimerus said:



    I've not seen any of those recently, or since relaunch (although they may have happened, they haven't recently).

    And even if they have, why stop promoting them? They still need members they should be flat out invested in a constant cycle of recruitment.

    All of this has been done - FD is the highest paid faction. As you can imagine people get bored with medical roleplay - you attend a scene and 9/10 the person who’s been shot doesn’t actually want to roleplay anything they simply just want to get it over and done with.  It’s a difficult one to actually address, and in my opinion isn’t the fault of LFM/OPS

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  2. Just now, Flimerus said:


    God forbid we inject some fun into the server, right? We must portray Los Angeles to the fullest!!! I would argue the server was way more brandable and enjoyable with SASD era.

    Jokes aside, LFM can directly improve the situation regarding FD.

    How can LFM/OPS improve FD if nobody is applying? If you can give some examples or advice, that would be great as it’s totally out of their hands to get people to apply?

  3. 2 hours ago, Nizarr said:

    Still kicking


    24 minutes ago, Hudson said:

    lets go, get dos santos on supplies


    1 hour ago, barneymk said:




  4. 16 hours ago, EGN said:


    Property leases, property license registrations and property changes in general can take more than 1 week.

    I'll get in contact with the commerce and estate team to see if there's anything that's taking it's time as it shouldn't be taking over a week to come to a conclusion on an application.

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  5. I’m happy to take everything into consideration from reading this we could do the following;


    - Raise to three man limit, or would you all prefer four?

    - include shotguns with robberies.


    Ive had a lot of people mention to myself that they are disappointed about the shotgun not being included.


    What’s your opinions/thoughts


    - One person involved in a robbery is allowed to utilise a shotgun / and the rest utilise the small weapons.

    - everybody involved is able to utilise a shotgun and no limits?



  6. Hi all,


    After seeing a lot of people complaining about the amount of robberies and non-realistic robberies I've decided to implement a rule to try and combat that as much as possible and gain control of the situation.


    I understand, it's probably a rule being implemented that would have a major impact on your day to day roleplay.


    Is there anything we could change, any disagreements?


    I would like to get the communities take on this and how they feel.



    [Server Rules]

    #08 Robbing & Scamming


    Only a maximum of two (2) players are allowed to engage in robbery roleplay together. The only weapons that are allowed to be used in a robbery are: 


    - All melee weapons
    - Desert Eagle
    - Colt 45
    - Silenced Pistol
    - UZI
    - TEC9


    To engage in a robbery with more than two people and with more powerful weapons than listed, you must receive approval from a level 2 or above administrator in-game once you have given them an explanation on why you want to engage in a robbery with more than two people and with more powerful weapons



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  7. I personally don't want to see the system that we used on SA-MP on the basis that businesses can earn a load of money, from people just /enter(ing) their business every single day to farm money.


    I believe we should propose something different;


    Roux Nightclub has their entrance fee set to $1,000.

    Christopher Stewart - Pays $500.00 to Roux Enterprise.

    Server - Pays $500.00 to the business bank.


    In total, the business earns $1,000 - this is one route we could go down.


    Across all accounts if you're under Level 5 you're exempt from paying the entrance fee and if you're over level 5 - you pay the 50/50 route. 


    What's everybody's opinions?




    • OK 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, samplsrp said:



    Well sadly admins are not even trying to give it a try, or atleast ask the players are they down for LSRP SAMP, probably it's better to keep GTA V server with 10 people and let it die, together with LSRP name itself.


    On 11/8/2023 at 6:11 PM, ImperiumXVII said:

    I prefer SA-MP but the SA-MP LSRP script is a culmination of works by many people, works that cannot be shared without the permission of those that wrote it. As such, none of our current dev team would be able to develop it anymore. 


    It's not happening, ever, unfortunately. 


  9. Whilst I appreciate a lot of us have come from San Andreas Multiplayer we will not be returning to SA-MP unfortunately, a lot of us have come from SA-MP and do miss those days but the platform that we will be remaining on is Rage MP. 



    On 11/8/2023 at 6:11 PM, ImperiumXVII said:

    I prefer SA-MP but the SA-MP LSRP script is a culmination of works by many people, works that cannot be shared without the permission of those that wrote it. As such, none of our current dev team would be able to develop it anymore. 


    It's not happening, ever, unfortunately. 


    • Bigsmoke 1
  10. 24 minutes ago, memooh said:

    The work they deliver, its cool shit that your referring to, but for example nobody has seen Roze in weeks/months or about the economy team in general.


    Its either hes gone awol or the communication is so bad here that we the players dont even know what some of the staff do.


    basically no communication since sal left. 

    seems like we only see the devs and ingame staff do stuff.



    I understand the frustration this has caused, as I can admit that since Sal has left there has been a lack of context from the communications team, I have been working alongside them to try and produce a new server trailer. @wdmcnr has been given access to TikTok and Instagram to try and push some content to the social media side of things as a marketing point of view. I know Wdmcnr has recently become busy with work, which is extremely bad timing considering he took over the role in November. We are delegating the access down to @kaibr who should be able to assist with the marketing side of things. 


    Moving onto the economy side of things, we have made mistakes since the launch regarding the economy the whole vision and aim was to have a realistic economy which to be frank. Has not worked at all, and has made people refuse to log in-game. That's why we have made the decision to remove tapering and increase welfare and hopefully bring people back in-game, I know we have caused more harm than good. This should be showcased in 1.8.0 once the final bits of development are complete.


    I have been fairly busy with in-real life and there's no excuse but we do have some plans to try and get things back up and running via the teams, and hopefully get some new structure in place. I've already been in discussions with Property Team, Company Team to try and merge them together to produce a team called the Commerce and Estate Team which will be implemented in time for 1.8.0 with purchasable properties script which will also, include a council. I have been in contact with the Communication Team to try and give it a bit of a revamp with a sort of council so it isn't relying on one person to push marketing, but we are going to be looking at three people to try and keep the communication side of things alive and focusing on different areas of the servers needs which will be known as the Community Engagement Team. More stuff to follow within the coming weeks.  If you do have any queries, my discord messages are always open.

    • Love 1
  11. 2 hours ago, livid said:

    Give illegal players the incentive to sell drugs, weapons, get in faction wars - even senseless ones (on a street gang level). Make sure they won't be punished for this or have to put in immense amounts of work so that they can obtain basic supplies to perform illegal actions (weapons, drugs, turf) - by going a bit softer on the application formats and, while not necessarily lowering the standards; but simply making it easier to get into situations with people on the whole spectrum of roleplay.


    Law enforcement roleplay is as solid as it can be, even though there are some inactivity concerns; I'm sure this will be resolved once illegal roleplayers start actively partaking in server activities, whether that be In Game or on the Forums (since we all know; if the amount of people chatting shit on Discord actually decided to hop In Game, we'd be breaking PB records).


    There are many venues of roleplay that should be promoted and supported. @Deceive has been doing an excellent job with the Events Team and has been going out of his way to contribute all the necessary efforts to give players more reason to log In Game, so I have to give credit where credit is due. We need to realize that this server can only be run if the people want a server to roleplay on. People shouldn't be shying away from joining the server because they've already got assets on other roleplay servers and can't bother to start "all over again" on this server - which is why we should be rewarding players on the whole spectrum of roleplay with the tools necessary to carry out roleplay.


    Business leases should be more accessible and less strict on the managing part; at some point I'm sure we've all hopped In Game at least once, roamed around when there's a "solid" amount of players online and were not able to find anyone In Game; and have thought to yourself "God, I wish there was an open business where people could just come and I'd know where to find people to roleplay with". As far as I'm concerned (this is a stretch, I admit) - literally just have a motivated member reach out to the upper administration team and have them set a spawn point and a default interior at a certain location and have them lead it as a business.


    The interiors and businesses don't need to be mind-blowing or anything special, as far as I'm concerned it can be "Joe's Bar" in the middle of Downtown Los Santos and have people of all backgrounds roam that area (sort of like a renowned mixture of Verona Mall and Idlestacks), and then when people feel like playing; they at least know where to go if they want immediate roleplay. We all complained about mallrats and idlerats, but, I would be more than happy to have the opportunity to interact with those and wish they'd return, so that we could maximize the amount of players online.


    Make ricers a thing. Vehicle modifications should be promoted way more and people should be given the freelance opportunity to pop modifications on their vehicles without the need of a mechanic through a similar thing as the solo scheme, where you could roleplay a certain task (such as purchasing and installing new rims), and then be able to forward your roleplay to a certain team that would then review the roleplay at hand and grant you the necessary modifications if they deem the roleplay to be fit. This would help promote people researching and finding out how certain things they want done actually work and it is a useful feature for real life situations as well. (Keep in mind, I used vehicle modifications as an example here - this can vary from small weed plants, to cooking meth, and whatever other thing your character would be able to carry out on any level of roleplay).


    In order to fully execute the aforementioned idea, solo schemes should NOT be restricted to factions. Regular solo roleplayers or any faction member at any given time would be able to submit their roleplay logs to a certain team which would then review and grant the player the item/modification they spent time roleplaying/researching on. We need more freedom and less admin intervention in many of the current present tasks on the server. 


    Make robbing houses a command and have many of these rentable properties actually become purchasable properties that you would pay tax for (replacing the weekly rent idea) and create the option of purchasing different levels of house alarms so that law enforcement would be notified and be able to intervene. 


    Make it so that you cannot /v park vehicles and they disappear into thin air, but instead they'd be parked wherever you last left them - and this would promote people leaving their illegal supplies within houses, sheds, garages - which would in turn promote burglary roleplayers - which would in turn promote a motivated circle where law enforcement would also be able to intervene if the roleplay carried out wasn't careful enough. 


    There are so many ideas to go off in order to promote player interaction and I'm sure the development team can take a deeper look into what I said and if they're in interested in anything that I mentioned earlier, they can reach out to me personally and I can create a suggestions thread where I would elaborate in much more detail and put a poll up. There needs to be a high risk high reward system implemented that doesn't involve admin intervention. 


    Enjoy my little rant, tl;dr - Make LS-RP great again. Thank you. 

    Hey mate, thank you for this will take this on board and divert them to the relevant areas - any other people? Illegal scene needs work definitely, what can we do?

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