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Everything posted by Scrat

  1. So I don't too many issues with the economy, the money you get for the first few levels is enough to allow you to finance a vehicle and get a place to rent, with enough left over, over time to play around with. With 1.1 adding that same income to all levels but at a reduced rate, there's at least that security net that you'll be getting a little income no matter what you're doing with your time. I think it's a good step without sacrificing the economy model where things that don't need to be are costing hundreds or thousands. With regards to the script, I am a bit concerned on some of the key features that it's lacking, and wonder what state the script was in last year when things were originally going to launch. That said it's obvious there's very skilled members on the team; the phone script is sleek as all hell and 'just works' in a really nice way for the most part. I also recognize we're less than a month into launch and things will be coming as time goes on - I just hope that LSRP is able to catch up with the vital QoL features other servers may have that players have come to expect to have available.
  2. With this part, I believe it's because these factions had their roster squared away 9 months ago at the least, going back a year or two perhaps, so there's not much need for new players right at the start. While I can definitely get wanting a proper supervisory team with all the rules, handbooks for each unit, etc all written out far in advance so they're ready to just go for it at launch, it does suck that new players aren't able to chase those opportunities because the PD, for instance, already filled up a roster of 120-ish long before a launch date was even given. That said though I saw a posting earlier today that FD was opening soon, so it's not like they'll all just be closed forever.
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