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Everything posted by DadoJ

  1. Good stuff! Shoutout to everyone who was involved in making this update possible!!
  2. Congratulations peeps. Looking good!
  3. DadoJ


    The one and only!!! Looking badass!!
  4. DadoJ


    Shall be done, you have my word! Why thank you!
  5. DadoJ


    Thank you! Someone reads 'em GTA V's is better. Why thank ya! Still there, no plans on leaving! Hi! Listen. I like the history of it all! LMAO Hi! Thank you! Sup Tomas?
  6. DadoJ


    Really, really, really depends. If a friend is running better gear, I try to match him. Try being the key word @kendrick.
  7. DadoJ


    So kind! I have indeed! But I lost the guy who was helping me with that... Henlo! Indeed, long time no see. How's it going? Thank you! Good to know a lot of people read through that sea of text lol, much appreciated! Hmm, good point. I need to see about updating it! Hi!
  8. DadoJ


    Could've been worse! But I fixed it! Hiya! Hi! Your pledge has been noted. No idea, sorry! You know I do it so you always look fresh Done, this will be at the very least, 700 dollars. Caleb to the 410! Henlo. Same old, same old. What's up rls? Thank you! There's going to be plenty of screenshots involving SWAT once we launch, so look forward to that!
  9. DadoJ


    Basically. Uuuuuuh. Be like... Most definitely, yes. Hiiii! matt! Hello erutaN.
  10. DadoJ


    Hello everyone, my name is DadoJ. I enjoy all things cars and law enforcement, so it's no surprise that my favorite video games revolve around both of those topics. I am particularly fond of the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles Fire Department, and have spent the majority of my life researching them, and familiarizing myself on everything they have that is publicly available. When not playing on LS-RP, I very much enjoy playing both LCPDFR and LSPDFR. The GTA series has always been one of my favorites, especially with all of the modifications that are available to download. I have always adored the customizable approach that PC gaming offers. I find it much easier to immerse yourself in the game that you're playing, when the models mimic their real-life counterparts. I am currently engaged to, and in a long distance relationship with the love of my life. (Who I refer to as "Lady Dado"). We've known each other for several years, and I couldn't imagine life without her. She and I have always connected through roleplay servers, and LS-RP is no exception. While we work through the tedious details of conquering the long distance aspect, we find plenty of ways to enjoy our time together. We try our very best to include one another in everything we do, as life is more enjoyable with someone special by your side! I have been a part of the LS-RP server since 2017, and it is by far the best server I've experienced in my ten plus years of roleplaying. This place has given me the ability to meet people from all over the world, and every walk of life. It is a very diverse server, and I believe the text-based approach offers a lot more freedom to its users in terms of character development. The text-based style is very inclusive, and allows you to fully immerse yourself into the world of your character, and spend a day in their shoes. LS-RP is a one of a kind place, and it is very easy to get caught up in your character's experiences. I enjoy being able to enter this virtual world, and live out a life I might not otherwise get the chance to. I am currently a Senior Tester and have been part of the LS-RP Staff Team since May of 2018. It is definitely a unique experience to be part of the staff team, but I've enjoyed every minute of it. I have always enjoyed helping others, and often find myself putting their needs above my own, so that is what lead me to join in the first place. I strive to be that helpful hand for the members of the server, so that I can pass on the help that I received when I was a new and inexperienced player. The Staff Team has not only given me a chance to help others, but it is allowing me to grow and improve upon my own roleplay in the process. At its core, the Staff Team is like a second family, and we're all doing our very best to support and encourage one another. I used to be a Senior Lead Administrator and the Head of Admins, which means I oversaw every Admin within the LS-RP Staff Team. Below you will find my journey through the Staff positions. May 17th, 2018 — Tester August 5th, 2018 — Forum Moderator October 10th, 2018 — Senior Forum Moderator December 01st, 2018 — Tester-Administrator December 23rd, 2018 — Junior Game Administrator February 28th, 2019 — Game Administrator September 1st, 2019 — Senior Game Administrator January 2nd, 2020 — Head of Testers February 3rd, 2020 — Lead Administrator September 1st, 2020 — Senior Lead Administrator, Head of Admins July 25th, 2023 — Stepped down to Senior Tester << LOS SANTOS FIRE DEPARTMENT BIT WILL BE ADDED SOON! >> Below is the archive of my time, the positions I've been in and what I did within the Los Santos Police Department.
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