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We're on Patreon




Hey everyone,


We've hit the point in our project where we're setting up infrastructure that our future server will run on. This means we suddenly have monthly costs with no source of income for the server, as you can't currently purchase a premium account. The costs include dedicated servers, cloud service fees, software licenses and so on.


This is why we decided to launch a LS-RP Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lsrpcom


By supporting the LS-RP V project before release (Q4 2021 - more on that later in tomorrow's blog post), you don't only help us cover the costs that otherwise we have to pay out of our pockets, you also get a variety of perks which include

  • Credits to your LS-RP account to spend on premium features after launch, twice the size of your pledged amount
  • Premium Member Discord Role
  • Early access to our Community Platform (this site). This perk will open up on 15th of September 2021
  • Special Early Supporter badge on our Community Platform (and in-game)
  • Access to weekly staff meetings to be among the first to see demos of new features. Join the discussions with your ideas!
  • Lifetime premium membership of the highest tier sold out


* Some perks are be restricted to individual tiers


Thank you for considering supporting our project, we've spent thousands of hours brainstorming, developing and testing, and we're doing our best to get it to you as soon as we can.


Please stay tuned as we have more news to come out tomorrow - make sure to give it a look as well!


Kind regards,


on behalf of the LS-RP Leadership

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