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Posts posted by Scheming

  1. I propose a serial scratching scheme, saying players with this scheme can take PF abuse to the next level. At the moment, PF abuse is an IC issue.
    The police should be taking each gun a criminal has and checking the serial number. We should introduce a system where we see a lot of criminals using said PF owners guns for crimes. When they're deceased, a criminal investigation into PF abuse should be launched. This will cause PF abusers to have to seek someone to pay them for the serial numbers to be removed to keep their illegal side business going without them getting hit with firearm trafficking!

    This will keep money moving about. I'm not sure how much you'd have to pay someone to erase the serial numbers, but it's an IC issue. It would also bring more business and trust relationships, as the serial wiper can scam this person!

    Edit: The script would have to be adjusted to something like; if an on /duty LEO shoots someone, they have to wait like 2 minutes - gives police time to RP securing the weapon and tracking the serial #. I've had few instances when I was SD OSS where they'd /acceptdeath because I assume they had a PF abused gun and didn't want us to look into it.

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    There's already a thread on HOW to take the screenshot in game


    1. Take a screenshot of the scene in game, press f7 3 three times to get rid of the HUD and nametags above heads. Take that screenshots.

    2. Take a screenshot of the chat w/ black behind it via /bbc or /blackbehindchat 

    3. Load up photoshop, load the scenery scene/screen and then add the screen with the text w/ the black behind it.

    4. Click the layer w/ the chat, double click it and fade the black.

    5. Duplicate layer w/ chat

    6. Merge down the duplicate layers

    7. Add stroke 1

    8. Resize chat to not cover the whole screen but 75% of chat.

    Editing/adding video soon



    Take a screenshot of the scene, here is an example of the scene screenshot I took.

    Load up photoshop and do 800 width x 600 length
    Paste the scene screenshot into photoshop and adjust it to your liking.


    Take the screenshot w/ the chat that has black behind it for easy editing and bring it into photoshop. Adjust so the whole chatbox is showing and the chat is a good size: fkk91et.png

    Now what you do is crop out the chat from said picture and bring it to a new layer
    Select the part of the screenshot that has the chat and black behind it, CTRL + X, delete that layer and paste it. CTRL + V

    Now to get the black behind the chat gone, copy what I'm doing in this gif:


    With this, sometimes you gotta play with the value and test it out. I find a sweet spot is like 26 on that layer.

    It's important, to set the stroke to 1 and hit set as default.

    Adjust the lines in the RP to cover max 75% of your screen. DONE.

    If you want to make the quality shittier on purpose, save it as a JPEG and put the quality to ~4.






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  3. Server is lacking a lot of stuff for illegal/gang rpers which caused them not to login in, and a lot of LEO to also not login starting a whole cycle.
    There's some animations for gang signs that could be added. I was IG bored out my mind (i got no life) and was like damn I wanna pose for some pics for my thread. All the anims look like I'm slow.

    Links to some gang signs that are fire:

  4. 1 hour ago, livid said:

    Why would you not be able to put guns inside a vehicle? Deleting a whole feature just because of a potential "FPS drop" is a logic which is pretty flawed. How are you going to transport weapons? What if I want to leave a gun inside my car and run off to somewhere I can't carry a gun?


    I never implied that it is realistic for people to stash weapons and narcotics in vehicles and I don't know why someone believing people put the aforementioned items in their vehicles makes them a "foreigner"; considering that it almost looks like you said this out of spite for whatever reason. It's almost as if every worldly concept revolves and happens only within your country (most likely America) and that anything outside of that is considered off charts and not the norm. 


    The map is massive, guys. Even with 400 players (which is completely unrealistic), you'll still be hardly experiencing any FPS drops in my opinion. The best we're ever going to get is an upwards of 150 players peak; again, in my opinion - and removing the concept of your vehicle disappearing in thin air opens the venues of many more roleplay opportunities and scenarios which both the legal and illegal roleplayers will be able to capitalize on. 

    Who the fuck wants to play a server that's going to fuck their FPS? Where is your logic.

    You can still transport weapons on your body in a car or on your person. I'm saying We should keep /v park but not let ppl /v park with stash inside of it so weapons and drugs can continuously circulate if you get lucky enough to hit a house w/ a stash inside of it rather then not being able to rob a car that's forever /v parked and only accessed to grab shit.


    The only benefit I see is more cars to steal. Why get rid of /v park when you can just script in the darknet to, I don't know; maybe base the list of the spawned in cars of active fucking players?

    With your same logic we might as well get rid of /v tow or faction tows so we can see all the cars and faction vehicles littered in the street.


    Update: I didn't mean to remove the whole function of putting guns in your car. I'm talking about remove the ability to /v park WITH guns, drugs, and so on inside. Basically anything that players can rob you for to benefit.

  5. 41 minutes ago, livid said:

    @Scheming That’s why garages exist for /enter. Leave them in places where they wouldn’t be stolen. Thefts exist and them stealing your car should in my opinion be impossible or close to; due to the fact this is modern age Los Angeles and you should have an insured car with an alarm system. How will we force people to stash things inside their houses and not simply cars then /v parking them unless if we strictly outright tell them not to?

    Make it so you can't put guns inside a vehicle. Imagine when there's 400 people on the server, if it gets there - the streets will be littered with vehicles. People will be losing FPS. Who stores guns inside their cars IRL.
    Why would I keep it inside a car, knowing my car is more theft reliable compared to my house. Are you sitting inside your car 24/7? Or are you inside your house most of the time. 
    My car is parked up right now and if my alarm went off I probably wouldn't peep it's my car as I'd believe it's one of my stupid neighbors.
    I'm sitting here thinking; Why the fuck do you guys believe realistically people put guns in their cars and drugs? Like LOL y'all must be foreigners.

    The only reason why I don't stash my guns inside of my house is b/c of the eviction due to being inactive. I've stored guns inside of my house before and went inactive - basically giving away free AKs and so on.

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