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Posts posted by Kirigakure

  1. The main thing I would like is for it to be acceptable for players to outrun or even outshoot the police. LSPD has so many advantages like unlimited guns, armor and being in a voice comm hivemind that its already super hard to evade or beat them.


    The few times that you do you'll be reported and it'll be voided. Sometimes it feels like you are railroaded into just rolling over and letting them win. 


    'You jumped off a 5 foot ledge, your ankle would have gotten twisted right there. Why didn't you /ragdoll?'



  2. It would be nice if the Combat Pistol and SNS Pistol were easily obtainable by illegal RPers. Make the more overpowered weapons like Automatic Rifles, SMGs, High Caliber Pistols and Weapon Attachments harder to find, requiring connections and plugs.


    Besides we all know that these plugs will only supply the same group of people they have coordinated and allied with for years. Then those people will stockpile and hoard these weapons. What transpires in-character has very little to do with who has access to the guns. 


    Allow unofficial and smaller groups to get a small amount of weapons. A few pistols, knives and ammunition every month. Also allow for PF weapons to be exchanged, sold and the licensing to be obtained by criminals freely. 

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  3. On 12/16/2021 at 4:10 PM, IdleStacks said:

    OP has a really good point, and it's something I've been thinking about for a while now. But I haven't been able to come up with any decent solution.


    The fact is, GTA V's map is fucking massive compared to SA's. SA had 3 cities and it STILL wasn't nearly as big, and we all know how active SF and LV were. I think this is an issue that the community is going to just have to be mindful about, try to keep ourselves concentrated in LS only, at the very least. I'm sad to say but GTA V's country side is fucking garbage compared even to SA's, while still being ridiculously huge and far away. I fear that it's mostly going to be Tierra Robada-like, an absolute ghost town that has no purpose other than set dressing for people to drive through and the very occasional faction that tries to set up shop there (and inevitably fails because nobody but faction members ever shows up).


    If we're lucky maybe the country side can become a popular destination to lose the cops, but I'm not hopeful about even that since it takes enough time to get there that you'd end up with 10 different tails anyway. On server release I'd definitely not bother with anything but LS. Let the server develop a bit before splitting up the population. But really, it's a super-complicated issue and one that has no good solution, the map is, quite simply, way too big to properly accommodate roleplay between even a thousand people. Other than some mapping magic to scale the map down a bit (would this be possible, or even desirable, really?), I just don't know.


  4. 23 hours ago, ColossalBQ said:

    I'd rather recommend we look into the player base, if we have a large player base I believe we would be spread all over in the county too (ofc not the entire map but at least some parts), even though san andreas was a way smaller map we still had places such as las venturas and san fierro empty with nobody roleplaying, I believe we will get adopted in time and see what is what.

    7 hours ago, Garndor said:

    I think restricting the map could be a good idea to start with, it would force players to role play in a portion of the map to start with however this would need to be monitored uber carefully as the player-base grows. It would be very difficult to manage the expansions and what house/businesses should be available to what players when the expansion is released.


    Although a good idea I think it will be difficult to manage and not worth the extra work/issues it may cause.


    Hopefully this server can get a lot of traction when it opens up and the map won’t feel as empty as you think. 

    GTAW has up to 700 players online during peak hours some days and the issue with the majority of the map being a ghost town. 


    On 12/17/2021 at 4:59 AM, owen said:

    Restriction is the first way to ruin someone's experience. If you wanted to do something and the server automatically didn't let you do it, it would put a distaste in your mouth. I understand where you're coming from, however, it's not feasible or ideal. 


    The server will have its hubs, and it will have its general areas of congregation but that's how it has always been. Players aren't meant to be all in the same area, I've always been a fan of the spread playerbase because it allows you to role play around different cultures of characters. 


    I've never been a fan of multiple types of the same business open at once though and that is from a feasibility point of view — the business sector will need to be handled delicately (I'd argue the way we did it on LSRP, or a slightly altered version would be ideal long-term) due to the stretching of the playerbase already, it would only creative a negative perception of business activity. 


    What you want to do isn't really being restricted though. You can still create or do whatever you want in terms of the interior/business idea. 'Different culture of characters' would still exist. 


    In the end all it would mean is that if there are 5 groups of players, they would be occupying five different streets in one of the areas and then be sharing one or two streets in the areas to open their businesses on as opposed to these players being spread all throughout the map with no possible chance of interacting with one another. 

    On 12/18/2021 at 2:21 AM, yekim said:

    i think its important to understand why people are fed up with gta world and are desperately seeking an alternative. quality, freedom and a lack of support for illegal rp are in my opinion the biggest drivers for player discontent over there, so going against that by restricting player housing is not a good idea. effort should be placed on developing businesses and key areas so hubs appear naturally.


    renovate the mega mall and add another in vespucci 

    make a public park closer to the center of the map and add spawn points nearby for easy access

    add an efficient public transport system which allows people to get around the map easier (and no, dont just add player taxis and expect them to ferry people 24/7. make an NPC controlled subway system and an NPC driven bus route)

    dont make everything a UCP feature. ie skin customization should be done IG.

    place default businesses at one or two locations max and don't scatter them across the map just because it makes more sense for the lore. a phone shop, jewellery shop, barber shop and clothing shop should all be next to each other at an easy to access location like the davis mega mall. this funnels players into one area and so long as there's other things for them to do there, will facilitate excess roleplay


    and let the rest work itself out naturally. given the systems are in place people will make their own roleplay 


    I agree with that as well, especially the lack of support for illegal RP but most of those points have already been heavily discussed which is why I am bringing up the issue of GTA 5s map and how even 700+ players is not enough to prevent it from mostly being a ghost town. 

    Other than that I agree with all of your alternate solutions those are great ideas as well. The game needs to be designed in a way that players are funneled into interactions and encounters with other players. My suggestion is perhaps a little strong handed and it would be better if the average player was being funneled in a way they do not realize they are being funneled;

    However, if the server opened and in the UCP the property application forum just stated what buildings are available for use then the majority of the people disagreeing with this would not even notice and just apply to create whatever business they wanted in one of the buildings made available to them. A lot of the complaints against this are just buzzwords or kneejerk reactions to the word 'restrictions',


    'restrict bad' 'freedom good'

    Roleplay and restrictions go hand in hand. There is no such thing as RP without restrictions.



    RP with freedom and liberty 

    • Thumbs 1
  5. 1 minute ago, chrillzen said:

    That's the nature of the game. Hub oriented. So: create more hubs. We should not restrict any interiors or any place for that matter just to have more people outside on the street. There may be a problem about how difficult it is to find role play in the open world though, but that's not solved through any means of restriction. I think you should focus your efforts on solving that problem first. If we need more role play going on, it would be solved by... more role play, am I wrong?


    Yes, you are wrong. For role-play to occur you need other players to interact with. 


    More people outside on the street means more people to interact with and RP with. 


    As it is currently on GTAW, there is hardly any people on the streets and if you do spot someone you cannot interact with them as they are likely in a car driving at maximum speed to an open business on the opposite end of town.


    This issue is entirely solved by focusing on developing several hotspots on the map where you are garunteed to always find players going about their business, loitering and RPing. It is also what LS-RP did differently in the past on SA-MP compared to the other servers as I stated in the OP. 


    As far as restricting interiors, let me clarify; I am saying the location of where you can open a business or buy houses should be restricted, I am not saying the interiors you can design should be restricted in anyway. 

  6. Compared to San Andreas the GTA 5 is massive and even when the gta server has 700+ players active the map feels incredibly empty outside of the businesses which serve as hubs to find RP.

    It would be cool if the map started off heavily restricted as far as support for interiors, businesses and homes then expanded as neighborhoods filled. This means we would have a busy street with several businesses open on it all the time as opposed to random things scattered all across the massive map. 


    However I am not saying that the entire server should be restricted to a tiny area. I mean several different points on the map serving as hubs for communities to form around.

    For example the hood areas would focus on filling the houses around the davis and the businesses around the clothing store.


    -black/latino gangs


    -legal rpers


    -mobs; jews, italians


    -offices; law firms, doctors


    -gangs; bikers, trailer trash, etc


    None of the groups above are restricted to those areas but just an example of the types of factions people like to play and the areas they tend to open around. Just start off with an area for each type of faction so everyone can be close together and actual run into players while walking around their neighborhood as opposed to all RP taking place in houses.


    When I moved from NGRP to LSRP this was what I immediately noticed back in the day. Even though NGRP had slightly more players at the time that I switched over it felt like much less because you had players spread all throughout LS, San Fierro, Tierra Robada and the county. Where as in LS-RP you could walk through Ganton/Idlewood and even East LS and run into people posted on every block.


    Even though people look down upon the Mall and Idlestacks I think having those known areas where people gravitate to when their friends or faction are offline or at random hours in the night are important. 


    RP requires another person, keeping everyone close together would make the game seem 100x more alive.

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