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    Hello World!

    By Mmartin, in Records,

    Hey everyone,
    Welcome to our community site. As you're probably aware, we recently closed down our SA-MP server to shift our focus entirely on the transition to RageMP. We're working on getting this site nice and ready for you to keep up with all the latest news from both script and community development. Please bare with us as we try new things out before we settle on something we're all satisfied with.
    Account Registration
    We're happy to know that a bunch of you already want to make an account on here to reserve your name. Registrations will be open for everyone soon, we're working on a system where you can authorize the use of your username if you've had it on our previous community forum. In other words, if you had an account on the old forums, only you will be able to use that name on this new site.
    Stay tuned as we post more updates in the coming days!
    Kind regards,

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