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Burglary & Property Security

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Script Name: Burglary & Property Security | Script Author: danut 



An important part of roleplaying is finally getting the attention it needs. Gone are the days when you forgot if you locked your property's door or you feared that anybody could just break into your apartment and steal your hard-earned drugs & cash. With the new Burglary & Property Security system, we're offering opportunities for legal and illegal roleplayers alike.




The highlight of our system is the property security and how it will impact you as a property owner or as a company CEO. First of all, this system introduces Eyrie – the new home security phone application & security systems provider. You will be able to notice the new app has been installed on your phone automatically this by just glancing at your phone's home screen!



The home screen of a player's phone showcasing the newly installed Eyrie App.


Eyrie will be the control centre of your home's security systems; from here, you will be able to turn your systems on and off (given that you are close to your house), check their status or just view the history of notifications that your systems have generated in the last 30 days. It really is that easy! All players that have access to your property will be able to access Eyrie just like you are, so be careful of who you're gonna trust!

Obtaining a Security System


In order for you to obtain a security system powered by Eyrie, you will need to own a property (or manage it, if your company has any properties). The rest? You'll need to get in touch with companies that offer Security services (such as Totally Secure Dude or Gruppe Sechs) and ask for a quote. Once you've gotten a quote from a company, they will be able to come to your property and install a shiny new alarm or lock to your property so you never live with fear for your belongings!



A list of all the security systems available from all security contractors.


After you've gotten your quote and had your system installed you can access your system through Eyrie at any time as described in the previous section. Be aware! Your subscription fee will be collected automatically every week by your security contractor company, so make sure you have enough money in your bank if you don't want them to take your shiny new toys away!



"Okay, I don't care about none of that. How do I break into a property?" – we've heard you loud and clear. Now that we've gotten through the process of explaining how house security works for property owners it's time for all the criminals out there to find out how they're gonna start doing what they do best: crimes (I guess?). In order for you to get ready for breaking into other player's properties (or businesses), you'll need a Lockpick and a Crowbar. You can buy these from one of the many Tools Stores spread around Los Santos (you can find out about them ICly).



The /lockpick mini-game.


After you're done with obtaining the tools, it's on! Make your homework and pick out the best property that you can find to test your lockpicking skills. You will have to be at the property's entrance, equip your lockpick and start putting those skills to work; you'll have to go through the same minigame that you get when you try to break/hotwire into a car (subject to change at a later date). Once you are inside the house, you will be able to break into furniture doors and inventories by using the crowbar that we have mentioned previously by using /forceopen [(d)oor/(i)nventory].




  • /lock [(d)oor/(i)nventory]
  • /forceopen [(d)oor/(i)nventory]
  • /lockpick
  • /offersecurity (Restricted to employees of companies with Security contract)
  • /securitysystems
  • /property (or /properties) - Security - View Contract
Edited by danut
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