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Posts posted by Darz

  1. 6 hours ago, Caledonite said:

    Whilst the idea sounds very nice, I do sense this will be causing metagaming issues. In your scenario of the clubbing, it is meant to be packed place and it's very common that you'll lose your friend or anyone related and in this particular example situation this tool gives that advantage to "locate them out easily", which might cause metagaming concerns and kind of not why I want this to be present unfortunately.


    This could be same case in many other situations that "consists chaos", for example brawls, where you're looking for particular friend or enemy and this feature would be highlighting their sentences in mid of brawl, where you most likely should have troubles with hearing your pals or enemies in most cases. Perhaps the only solution to prevent this would be that you're required to stay in close range rather than far away and once you get away from them too far, this highlighting will not work anymore.

    I personally like this addition of yours and yeah, it would work better if you have to stay in close range with your highlighted player. 


    6 hours ago, mabzy said:

    Whilst I agree it can be easily abused as Caledonite mentions above, it is still a very useful feature to keep track of things when in crowded areas. 


    You still have to be within distance to see a person for it to highlight roleplay so I don't think it can be abused too much or have any significant gain. 

    Exactly, as Caledonite mentioned above "Once you get away from your highlighted players, you can no longer have them highlighted on your end". 

  2. Sometimes in nightclubs or crowded areas, it's hard to keep track of someone you're speaking with, that's why I believe we need the /highlight command to keep track of the individual(s) we're talking to.
    Command: /highlight 21   
    21 is the player's ID.

    Also, we could have the ability to change the color of this highlight using the Hex Color Codes based on the preference of the player.

    Example: /highlight color #0174FF

    Simple example of a highlighted emote: * Markus Brandon takes few swigs from his beer.

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