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Posts posted by 10Lives

  1. image.png
    Name: Owen Sanchez
    Nickname: Opie
    Pronouns: He/Him; They/Them
    DOB: May 6th, 2005
    Location: Rancho or Davis, Los Santos.
    Nationality: Documented American, parents illegally migrated from Mexico.
    Education: Graduate of Rancho Alternative Learning Center B- average, took advanced classes for mathematics since a young age, took a college mechanics course from while in HS.
    Intelligence: Opie shows signs of higher than average intelligence, but suffers from undiagnosed nuerodiversity, mental illness, and drug addiction from an earlier age which often held him behind his peers.
    Addictions: Heroin, opiate painkillers, xanax, cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, as well as nicotine, THC, and psychedelics, basically whatever intoxicates and gets him fucked up.
    Mental illnesses: Depression, ADHD, PTSD. All undiagnosed, Owen has no education of mental illness either.
    Mental condition: Stable, however in active drug addiction with untreated mental illness.
    Family: The OGs of the Bilingsgate Misfits
    Affiliation: Bilingsgate Misfits, has been seen around other cliques around Rancho and Davis.
    Political ideas: None/Anarchistic and also tribal in nature. Believes that property of the Misfits is shared between Misfits, and that property outside of the Misfits is free to take for the group.
    Skills: Mechanics, basic engineering, lockpicking, hotwiring, skateboarding, BMX,

    Backstory, heavily WIP:
    Owen Sanchez was born to two members that had affiliations to the Misfits and now-dead Rancho Rivals, Antonio and Sofia. Sofia grew tired of the gang life after the Misfits had experienced a shootout in a local nightclub, started dating behind Antonio's back and found a rich businessman, and Antonio had threatened her life if she dared to take Owen away from the Misfits. Sofia fled Los Santos under threats from Antonio, a man who was stabbed to death about six months after she fled the city, leaving Owen to be adopted by Devon Ledbetter and Michael Sheffield (both in prison) of the Bilingsgate Misfits.

    Growing up was difficult for Owen, his younger years the Misfits were at their peak, but he barely remembers that now. Ever since that nightclub shooting shook Los Santos, nothing was the same again, the OGs LB and Heat got lucky, and were able to provide a stable ground for the children left behind by parents who are now in prison or dead. Owen grew up learning that everything in life had to be taken, or there would be hungry nights. Growing up with other members of the Misfits, they all grew up learning how to get what they wanted or needed, from taking candy from the LTD, to lifting bottles at the 24/7, to mugging a drug dealer in Davis for a bag of pills. In High School, Owen ended up getting expelled for fighting and drug possession in the tenth grade, and had to go to school at an Alternative Learning facility instead, split up away from some of his friends during the school day which actually helped him gain an interest in mechanics, well that and the dream of boosting cars.

    Having just graduated, Owen has been having dreams lately to see the Misfits return to a glory he never truly remembers. He wants to see his family become successful in this society, and be set up for when other family members are released from prison. Owen has dreams of taking his family out of the rough neighborhoods of South LS and leaving the Bilingsgate Motel and the old Traphouse by it behind him. Those dreams however collide with the compounding issues that the Misfits see themselves in on a day to day basis.

  2. RIP OP's dog

    Only thing I'd like to mention is the FGC-9 (Fuck Gun Control 9mm). Once you have all the supplies it's legit only a couple hundred to make a full auto sub machine gun (or semi auto, if you care about legality, but ghost guns aren't legal to 3D print in Cali).

    There's also such thing as a Canzerfaust where you can make homemade rocket launchers and mortars with a soup can and 3D printed parts as shown below:


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