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Posts posted by Sargo7

  1. 1 hour ago, Ronnie2Polez said:

    What would bring me back to LSRP?


    Probably if we ever went back to SAMP.


    I recently looked into SAMP and seen some servers whom host similar things to us such as heavy text RP are very much more active than the current V server. 


    I'm talking hundreds of players, whilst we sit with barley 50? 


    The reason why I think LSRP would be better on SAMP again is because people miss the OG server/script and would flock over from those other existing samp servers back to LSRP. Even if it got 300 ppl again, it'd still be better than the current V situation. Not trying to get into anything too specific as I'm not trying to server advertise but the current SAMP servers that are active are a little more niche (such as not being set in LS, etc), LSRP was not niche. I think LSRP would be the "main" server again. 


    I think people would be more excited and anticipate that again/go back, allowing us to have a playable server and a higher daily PB. 

    Don't listen to this senile nigga, guy is stuck in the 90s with that samp shit

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