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Posts posted by robaine

  1. 4 hours ago, l.omenos said:

    This is a cool feature and is how most people in real life go on boats anyway (unless you're friends with a rich guy), but I wonder if it's better to leave it to characters IC to possibly make this a business venture. Car rentals I feel like are a lot more necessary, but since water vehicles are a little more niche, maybe it's more fun to leave it up to players RPing rental/outdoor adventure/excursion companies.


    Okay, sure. I see your point, but then again, you have to wait for people to grow a fortune or take loan to even be able to afford a boat(s). A Dinghy is at the moment around 50k, a Seashark is about 18k. What is the percent per week now in interest and pay back of a loan, 5%? Now, I have taken the a vehicle with a price of 20,400$ (with taxes, no modifications, total cost) with a interest loan and down payment of 15% (+3,514$), this give out to 481,95$ per week in cost, a total of 48 weeks. Seashark. (These calculations could change, I threw it outta space just to keep a reference).

    Lets remember that, 481$ per week in loan.

    Even with a loan, let say the Seashark, for a reference, I can rent a jet ski for about 180$/day + fuel/transportation (in my city, just for a reference), so for pure rental cost 180$, so the renter makes 180$ PER day, per vehicle, the player needs to rent that one Seashark out 113,5x times out before getting a return on one Seashark, fair enough, a 114 days, but then again, you need to find people that want to rent, rent them out.. The head ache... They destroy it and so on and so on... No one will even do that, okay, sure, maybe a few determined people, but I bet you there might be a handful of players that will take their time and offer something like that to the community, and at the end, no-one will appreciate it. That is my two cents, that is what I believe will happen.


    Okay, so lets keep it realistic, since the server strives to portray a realistic economy...  A 114 days, every day, every week, to re-pay the loan, then okay, sure he can buy them second-hand and save a few bucks.. But then again, you have to wait and rely on players to first acquire the vehicles, let alone sell them, and then rent them out... I don't think we should rely on players to make this happen, it won't happen, my two cents.

    Yada yada yada... This got a little out of hand, but I'mma post it for a reference.



    Final point.

    Yes, I can understand the point of putting this responsibility on the players, but then again, look above. I don't believe it will happen. For roleplay, sure, sure, but then let the government rent out boats for a fixed price, and let the player companies compete against those prices. Lets say the government rents out a Seashark at 250$ per day, then the players can always compete against that. Makes it even more fun having some competitions.

    I still think it should be an available option to the players to rent a boat via a script. The calculations could be wrong, just to keep it at a reference, and those are based on a vehicle of 20,400$ total price, excluding the down payment of 3,514$.


  2. Suggestion

    Similar to car rental, there should be boat rentals as well, providing players the possibility to rent boats for a specific amount.


    The boat rental prices should perhaps be calculated upon luxury factor, engine power (based upon i.e., gas emissions) and in regard to the fishing occupation (i.e., is it possible to make more money than standing at the pier?)



    • It provides player with another way of transportation.
    • Could provide players with roleplay out on the sea.
    • Be able to fish from the boat, adding another way to fish perhaps larger species / larger fishes.
    • Realistic factor, it seems realistic enough to have boat rentals available for others.


    • Add rental boats to several boat spaces. Example below.
    • Nagasaki Dinghy (4-seater)
    • Speedophile Seashark (Jet ski)
    • Shitzu Squalo (Mid-end Motorboat)
    • Shitzu Suntrap (Low-end Motorboat)



    (i.e., Dinghy - Seashark - Squalo - Suntrap)



    (e.g., boat spaces @ Vespucci Canals)


    It seems rather reasonable and realistic to offer citizens the ability to rent boats or jet skis. This could provide roleplay and other scenarios out on the sea, also the possibility to extend the fishing script.


    I must add, this suggestions is based upon the boat prices, they are insane. Another suggestion might come for that, but for now, boat rentals, lets keep the topic on that.





    Hope others support this, and can see themselves having this feature in the game to provide roleplay, give it a thumbs up if you support this, if you don't, a thumbs down.

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