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Stoned Ape

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Posts posted by Stoned Ape

  1. 8 hours ago, Yuji said:

    As I start to read this thread I begin to lose my hope. This community is supposed to be better, different and not another server that's blatantly copying the competition. These donation perks are just fucking stupid. Roleplay rules always were, that a CK is a charcater kill. You lose your assets and your progress by, sometimes, poor roleplay decisions or just bad luck. These so called "Name changes" give the players a clarification, that no matter what they do, they will keep their assets as long as they pay for it.


    Everything else seems okay, the perks of setting a custom plate and such as a donator provides you with a reason to donate. I also understand why donators want to have exclusive vehicles for themselves. I don't see anything bad in this.


    But, pets. Come on, bruh? Are you expecting people to pay a solid amount of money to have a virtual pet running after them in a game? This is straight up stupid.

    Need to remember that pets are NPCs that the server needs to keep track of.  Not sure how well NPCs are handled by Rage but I imagine it would cause server lag if everyone could have a pet spawned at once.


    As for the namechange stuff, people plain don't like to lose progress even if that's how it should go.  I remember when I could spend hours and hours of my day, playing and slowly obtaining whatever material items I got so if I lost them, while shitty it wasn't the worst thing if I knew it was coming.  Nowadays I'm lucky to get 2 hours in, if that, because we all enter the real world at some point.  Some of us simply can't put that much time into it anymore and having to completely start over from scratch for whatever reason makes it that more likely we simply won't play anymore.  Also its still just a game, you can't have complete realism like that when the main point of it is having fun.

    • CJ 1
  2. On 10/9/2021 at 7:09 AM, dimes said:

    I hated to donate simply to furnish a small crib on GTAW, for example. 50 slots were not enough and spending $10+ just to furnish one house was too much lmao. I don't know about masks - technically, you could get a mask from the mask shop that covers your face - that means even if your name is seen, it's still impossible to recognise who you are, if you're wearing a balaclava. So yeah, OOC masks could be a donator perk, since we still gonna have IC masks (bandanas, balaclavas, etc). 

    Pretty sure the furnishing thing was put in place because of limits on Rage MP at the time but they probably won't change it since its more money for them. Also, no for OOC masks, people will MG regardless of what they see IC whether we like to admit it or not, its pretty much a given on any RP server that this will happen.

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