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  1. Disclaimer What is written here is information gathered from my OWN knowledge which I have. There might be errors that I will correct to the best of my abilities. The subject is split into a few categories: Israeli Jews: This subject is split into 2: Jewish people who live in the west bank and Jewish people who live everywhere else. Those who live on both sides may have family who suffered through the holocaust(shoah)if they have family who a holocaust survivor gains access to Pension from the government though some of them live in poverty in HARSH condition. In term of laws men women and those of the LGBTQ community enjoy freedom and equality to ALL levels excluding payment which is STILL an issue IRL Those who live on the west bank are usually supporters of the parties such as Likud and many more and are religious. In return, They don’t have to do military service if they are in Talmudic college though if they are, They are allowed to serve in branches that are more open to religious people. Those who live in other areas, not on the west bank, Such as Tel-Aviv Haifa, Be’er Sheva, and so on, usually are religious though there are people who aren’t religious. Usually, they are either right winged, Center winged, or left-wing such as the labor party or other social Democracy/Democratic Socialism parties. For men, It is 3 years of service while women have to serve only 2 though it can change if they serve in special units of K-9 or other special forces. Within these groups, Are Ethiopian Jews who also are a part of the community, Left in the 1970s from Ethiopia to Sudan they were rescued in operation Moses. Those who have either physical or mental disabilities are given an exemption from military service though they can fight it in court. Also in the communities are European Jews who left Europe after World War 2 and Jewish communities from other nations too such as South Africa, Canada, Australia, China, the USA, France, India, the UK, Russia, and so on. The most spoken language is Hebrew however they can speak other languages from where they are from. Those whose families left for Israel in the 1920s would have ties to either Haganah, Irgun, or Stern Gang Though united during the war against the Arabs. The Jewish community comprises the following: Hiloni (None religious): 33.1% Masorti (Tradionalist): 24.3% Dati (Religious): 8.8% Haredi (Orthodox Judaism): 7.3% Those who would live in the north near the sea of Galilee would be bombed usually by Hezbollah though it happens from time to time. Those who live near the Gaza Strip would be bombed usually by Hamas OR the Palestinian Islamic Jihad all of which are on the list of terrorist organizations. Those who serve in the IDF would go through a booklet which is called the spirit of Israel teaching them how to behave as human beings and childhood would be filled with holidays and memorials and important days Israeli Christians: Though a smaller comprising of 1.9% their lives are decent. Due to the laws of Israel, they don’t HAVE to serve in the IDF and can be given an exemption but those who serve are usually placed in special operations units OR in regular units depending on each case as its own. Usually consist of the following: Roman, Armenian Catholic, Maronite, Greek Catholic, Syriac Catholic, Chaldean, Greek Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Anglican churches, and the Baháʼí Faith. Just like Jewish people they live in normal houses though some can live in tents or be living outside Arab Israeli: Those who are Arab Israelis are usually Arabs who during the Arab-Israeli war didn’t leave the villages and complied with Israel. Those who do usually live in prosperity and are Muslims OR Christians depending on each case to its own. Those who are Muslims compromise 18.1%. Just like Christians, They do not have to do military service and do get exemptions though they can do serve. Due to the laws, They and Christians enjoy the freedom of speech unless involved in a terrorist attack in which those rights are taken. They also speak Arabic and MOST of them are Sunni though there are Shiites in Israel. Just like Jewish people they live in normal houses though some can live in tents or be living outside. Arab who left Syria are also present in Israel people who are against Hamas or former members usually aid Mossad with information Druze Israeli: Those who are born Druze with Israeli citizenship are around 1.6% of the total population they are mostly left alone as it is to not bother them. However, Unlike Muslims and Christians, they have mandatory military service similar to Israelis of Jewish origin 3 years for men and 2 years for women. They speak the Arabic language. Disabled People: If a person is disabled either physically or mentally of over 40% the National Insurance Institute would give u pension and ability to register for actives such as for protected environment work, a meeting with a tutor, Fun activities where u only pay smaller fee and so forth.
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