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Modding Team
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About Nunwithagun

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  1. Been playing DayZ since ArmA II, got the standalone the minute it came out and have been playing it since, great game.
  2. With the news of a re-release of the LSRP:V server, I wanted to gauge what players thought was missing on the server as in comparison to other servers. I understand that the server has gone under many changes since the release thanks to Danut and the team and I’m excited to see what new features are on the server. What do you want to see?
  3. I’ll see what I can do but if you have a skin pack of default heads we can quickly test and adjust them and hopefully get them on for 14.0
  4. What do you think this is g, some public scandal? LMFAO Im not resigning, nor is any of my staff, like I said, if you think you can do it better, feel free to apply, I’ll accept your app right now, but as far as I can see, your just yapping and you probably don’t even know how to mod.
  5. If you think you can do it better, put an app in.
  6. Regardless of what the mapping looks like, saying "yo that mapping looks shit bro XDDDD" isn't constructive at all, nor does it help anyone. These people are trying to help the server by making new areas to roleplay in for factions and you shit on their hard work? I'm all for constructive criticism, but one-liner insults is not constructive criticism. You have to understand that these people are not being paid, they're doing it out of love for the community, as is the same with the modding team. If you think that you can do better, and want to contribute, please by all means apply to the mapping team.
  7. We’ll work on this, thanks! Shields are still a thing, flashlights are already available to LEOs in their respective /buy spots no, no sex toys
  8. Hello, head of modding here for the SA:MP server. I've been engaged in discussions around what mods people would like added, but I think a thread would be best so we can document this better. What mods would improve your roleplay experience? Share them below. no sex toys pls
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