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  1. Thank you for everything. The best out here.
  2. Our myface page is finally up! HapinaLS
  3. Hapina Meat Restaurant is coming to Los Santos! We are happy to provide you the best skewers you'll ever taste. Don't miss our freaking steaks. Hapina Meat Restaurant first established in Haifa, Israel (2004) by Moshe Mazuz. Yarin Mazuz helped his father to run the branches all over Israel and now it's time to level up and feed up San Andreas with our first branch in LS. Hapina Meat Restaurant offering a kosher meat and food to our customers. Some of our dishes are homemade and framed flagship in the menu, those dishes are recommended! Enjoy our food and bethavon! Hapina Meat Restaurant are on social too! If you want to list an order on the web or just want to check on us feel free to use our web.
  4. My boy Tone makes it loud.
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