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HP3 last won the day on October 1 2022

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  1. What am I supposed to provide? lmao. "Yall are doing a great job, don't let the 0 PB reflect that" Yall need to stop drinking that MMartin Koolaid and look at whats going on with your community. SA-MP will be no different, you just wait and see. You all really need to be real with yourselves, if the V server is such a success then SAMP would not need to come back, but it is, and it won't be for a long while, cause MMartin. If I am wrong for saying this then please ban me Kaos.
  2. Always a damn github roadmap that means nothing to casual players. You are not professional game developers, just be honest and say LSRP V was a flop as even these updates can't get players ingame where World is pushing about 1k ingame during peak times. You all failed, and now you're backtracking to SAMP. RCRP did the same thing, but it never started a V server, but you'll kill this one off too like MMartin always does. I give it two more years for SAMP version to re-release, knowing that dudes track record of releases. Just shut the community down dude.
  3. HP3

    We need to talk ...

    Appreciate the kind words MMartin, but your track record on promises is horrendous, I assume you'll disappear again soon. ALOT of things need fixed with the community itself. Its so easy to get guns the entire city turns into a warzone. The economy is terrible. The server isn't even LA anymore. It feels like Syria at some points. LSRP isn't what it used to be, where everyone wanted good roleplay. All you got now is factions just being DM machines, its old man. I understand this server will probably never catch up to GTA world in terms of features, but I can't fault you guys on that, they've been on RAGE since 2017, you guys since 2021. But you can always clean up the RP of players and invest in the server more through marketing. You don't need a bunch of fancy menus for roleplay. All you need is a good /me and players who actually want to RP instead of DM faking to be bloods, even on the forums. And 1 more suggestion: Let the damn factions roleplay what they want to RP. It shouldn't have to be tied to LA. PD, SD, DOC, FD, illegal factions etc, should be able to create their own custom style of how they do things, not base it solely on LA. But again, this post means exactly nothing when nothing will come out of it. We get shown time and time again that you break promises. It was more than likely made cause you had an oh shit moment because the PB is extremely low because of your decisions, and low PB means low donations.
  4. I stopped playing because I was tired of the dumb situations people would drag us LEO's into all the time. Ain't no reason for a server that calls itself heavy rp has a shooting happening with police every 5 minutes or a pursuit for a simple traffic ticket. At that point just call it Los Santos Cops and Robbers. Also the economy is dumb stupid. "Grind being online all the time and you'll become rich" Man I work, this isnt my job. Also I agree from the LEO side, there are too many use of force occurences, but what do you expect us to do when the community, every person we seem to interact with, shoots us? Shit gets old fast man. I went back to LSPDFR. If this happened in a city in real life, the fucking National Guard would be called in. In my opinion just close it down.
  5. With what little time I have to play for a hour a or two on a day off, I don't want to spend those hours RPing traffic court or filling out forms for nothing. I come on to patrol and log. This is more for people who make this server their life. This idea will only last a week until you get flooded with cases because Tom units are issuing tickets left and right. Focus on something better. If I get a forum notification about having to write a whole essay about why I stopped a mallrat and issued a ticket. I ain't responding. Throw it out lol.
  6. HP3

    July Update

    LOL. Targeting release in August. 3 months late. I didn't even realize it was November. Just shut the thing down dude or open the SAMP server back up.
  7. HP3

    July Update

    GTA World is releasing a 2nd server in Liberty City and you guys are still figuring out how to even be good community leaders. Fuckin' pathetic, just open the SAMP server back up and collaborate with Open.mp and let it die there, cause this ain't going anywhere on RageMP, especially with the piss poor communication.
  8. HP3

    July Update

    lol the community got lied to again by the con artist himself known as @Mmartin. Dude just give the community to someone else who really cares about it, obviously you don't. You're a terrible community leader and you need to just pack it in and leave.
  9. HP3

    March Release Update

    I was so excited for this. I get it real life is a priority. But you guys are proving you have not changed at all with how you handle things and updates. Its going to be the same old stuff with MMartin going radio silent again. Disappointing to the say the least. This is why I cancelled my patreon. The hype has been completely killed for me 😕
  10. These are awesome. Holy hell
  11. The quiz is very good as is, but thats just my opinion.
  12. Always used VisualV when I played LSPDFR. However Rage has been having problems with EAC and graphics mods. So Vanilla when the server launches.
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