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  1. GBH


    ows it go'n kidda
  2. GBH


    still alive and kicking broski
  3. Can't wait to get back into the swing of things and give the LSFD a go again, sounding very promising. 👍
  4. Had some of my best times in the LSFD on SAMP. It's easy to judge without knowing the knowledge or facts of the matter, be good to see what you guys have planned for the new era and best of luck. 👍
  5. don't know him but seems like a friendly enough person and a cool guy around the forums
  6. Terrible game. Loved the beta and the full release is trash. Buggy mess, had an extra month and still flopped it completely. Most people who say its good use Hovercrafts to run over people because they're literally the dominating factor every game. Shame.
  7. Don't think so, it's the same game really with updated graphics. I'm not a technical person but that's what it seemed like. Someone is building a launcher for it though, I think it was called SA:DE. But yeah, I don't think so.
  8. Zombies is utter shit. Big downgrade from Cold War on the Zombies front and it wasn't that great in Cold War to begin with, Treyarch fucked it up. Multiplayer, I'm loving it. One of the better multiplayers that I've played from COD in a few years now.
  9. GBH

    GBH's Showcase

    Appreciate the words broski.
  10. This, sums it up nicely. I'll still play as I have a love for all three games and they'd be cool to get back into and pick up when I feel nostalgic.
  11. BF1 & 2 (PS2) are goat'd.
  12. GBH

    GBH's Showcase

    Updated: PROFILE PICTURES x7
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